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Online trust is at the breaking point

IT security professionals around the globe believe the system of trust established by cryptographic keys and digital certificates, as well as the security of trillions of …

New crypto-ransomware encrypts video games files

A new piece of ransomware that (mis)uses the Cryptolocker “brand” has been analyzed by Bromium researchers, and they discovered that aside from the usual …

CS:GO players targeted with phishing attempt, malware

Typosquatting is an effective means to trick users into believing they have landed on the legitimate site they wanted to visit, so it’s no wonder that it’s often …

Cyber crooks take advantage of ad bidding networks to deliver ransomware

Malware peddlers are taking advantage of real time advertising bidding networks to deliver ransomware to unsuspecting users, FireEye researchers are warning. “Real Time …

Beware of fake invites for WhatsApp’s Free Voice Calling feature!

Fake WhatsApp invites are actively luring users to sites where they are urged to fill out surveys and download unknown applications, warns The Hacker News’ Mohit Kumar. …

Active campaigns deliver old and new ransomware families

Cyber crooks’ love for ransomware continues unabated, and user are warned about several active campaigns trying to deliver the malware on target computers. The campaigns …

Beware of malicious LogMeIn Pro Payment emails

A fake LogMeIn-themed email has been hitting inboxes of users around the world, trying to trick them into believing that they have somehow paid nearly a thousand dollars for a …

Netflix phishing website targeting European users

A fake website simulating that of popular Internet video streaming Netflix has been set up to harvest European users’ personal and payment card information, warns …

Cyber attackers like to impersonate IT workers

Mandiant, the (apparent) go-to firm for the forensic investigation of high-profile breaches, has released its annual M-Trends report (registration required), which shows that …

Fake face aging app steals Facebook login credentials

Offers for an app that can purportedly show you how you will look in 20 years have been recently popping up in Facebook users’ newsfeed and on their walls, occasionally …

How cybercriminals hack our brains

Cybercriminals are increasingly using persuasion techniques in order to manipulate employees to do things they normally wouldn’t, usually resulting in the loss of money …

Vawtrack malware peddlers turn to malicious macros

Cybercriminals spreading new versions of the Vawtrak banking Trojan are the latest ones to use the once again popular macro-based attack. Popular in the early 2000s, this type …

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