Ohio State University database hacked
A database containing Social Security numbers, addresses and dates of birth of everyone who’s ever had an Ohio State University e-mail address ( has been …
Gawker Media data breach linked to Twitter spam campaign
A recent security breach at Gawker Media which involved the leaking of user passwords for sites such as Gizmodo and Lifehacker, has now been linked to a widespread spam …
Increased collaboration on cybercrime syndicate crackdowns
As 2010 comes to a close, information security companies are trying to predict the amount of problems we’ll have to deal with next year. Below is a list of 5 security …
Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake targeted by German hackers
Two German youths have allegedly been using Trojans to hack into computer belonging to over 50 pop stars, looking primarily for unreleased music but also for personal …
Experiment reveals how scammers earn huge money with simple scams
An interesting experiment conducted by UK-based scam-tracking organization Scam Detectives has revealed how online scams can earn scammers a lot of money in a short time …
Tips to protect yourself from Cyber Monday threats
On the Monday after Thanksgiving, more than 100 million Americans will be using their computers and network connections to search for deals and start their holiday shopping, …
6 tips for safe online shopping on Black Friday
PandaLabs is advising holiday shoppers to be extra wary when shopping online this holiday season. As in past years, cyber criminals have launched a war on the season through a …
Scottish botnet master sentenced
Matthew Anderson – the Scottish botnet master who was found guilty of organizing a campaign that saw computers enslaved in a botnet, stealing data from their owners and …
Two indicted for university hack binge
Two former students of the University of Central Missouri have been charged with computer intrusion, intercepting electronic communication and aggravated identity theft, …
Former Ford employee stole company secrets worth millions
An interesting case of theft of industrial trade secrets was unveiled yesterday as news that the culprit – one Xiang Dong (“Mike”) Yu – has pleaded …
Malaysian hacker breached Federal Reserve and DoD contractor networks
When agents arrested Malasyian Lin Mun Poo on account of selling US$1,000 worth of stolen credit card numbers just hours after he arrived in the U.S., they probably …
New type of ATM skimming attacks
ATMs in Europe have lately been hit with skimming attacks that are not only effective, but also rather brazen – the criminals have taken to reprogramming the …