Twitter spambots advertise “Radiation health” e-book
The earthquake/tsunami/nuclear reactor explosion situation in Japan is currently being exploited by cyber scammers in a great variety of ways, but among the things that I …
Japan earthquake search results already poisoned
It didn’t take long for malware pushers to take advantage of Internet users’ hunger for news and videos from Japan after it was hit today by the most powerful …
Cloud streamlines efficiency of identity theft
Working with cloud-based services significantly improves economies of scale – for cybercriminals too, according to Commtouch. Phishers are already benefiting from free …
Illegal online pharmacies target mobile users
Malware authors have begun to set their sights on mobile device users, as witnessed by the latest Trojans made for Android-running devices, on official and unofficial online …
10 scammers charged with running 419 scam
Ten people were arrested and are now facing charges of wire fraud in US federal court following a successful investigation that has them pegged as perpetrators of an advanced …
Simple protection steps from credit card fraud
Every year, cybercriminals steal billions of dollars from unsuspecting computer users and companies by committing credit card fraud. Although this activity was once relegated …
Internet fraudsters jailed for online criminal forum
A group of young internet fraudsters who set up an online criminal forum which traded unlawfully obtained credit card details and tools to commit computer offences were jailed …
Man sentenced to 82 months for malware
A New Hampshire man was sentenced in federal court for his role in an international computer hacking conspiracy and his failure to file income tax returns while living in …
Phishers exploit New Zealand earthquake
Natural disasters are practically always exploited by scammers, and the earthquake that hit New Zealand and left thousands of its citizens homeless is not an exception, …
Teenage eBay fraudster damned by own journals
An Australian teenager has been sentenced two three years in prison after having plead guilty to over 100 charges of online fraud perpetrated on eBay. The fraudster effected … and infected with malvertising
Taking advantage of the fact that a lot of security companies are more relaxed over the weekend, cybercriminals use the opportunity to strike. This weekend, the popular auto …
Moldovan fraud ring mastermind arrested
A coordinated effort of the Irish gardai and custom officers has led to the arrest of a Moldovan man that is thought to be the leader of and mastermind behind an international …