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“Wrong hotel transaction” spam bombards victims with malware

A particularly malicious spam run consisting of emails ostensibly sent by reception desk managers of various hotels has been targeting Visa users. The emails exhibit subject …

LulzSec member Topiary arrested?

Was LulzSec member Topiary arrested yesterday by the e-Crime Unit of London’s Metropolitan Police? “The man arrested is believed to be linked to an ongoing …

Phishers becoming sophisticated marketers of fraud

Phishers are becoming more sophisticated criminal marketers, according to a report by IID which documents a quarter that was a watershed for data breaches, from large-scale …

Phishers target Google AdWords users

Trying to trick AdWords users into thinking that one of their income source is threatened, the phishers sent out emails with “Account has stopped running this …

Phishing attacks on Facebook intensify

There was a significant increase in the amount of phishing attacks on Facebook, as well as other social networking sites such as Habbo in June, according to the latest spam …

90,000+ web pages compromised through iFrame injection

Researchers from security firm Armorize have uncovered a massive iFrame injection attack that has compromised 90,000+ Web pages belonging mostly to e-commerce sites. The …

The problem with current cyber-liability insurance policies

The repercussion from the massive breach are still reverberating through Sony and, as the company managers move to minimize the losses, an unexpected development could throw a …

SpyEye Trojan country hit list

The number of financial institutions targeted by the SpyEye Trojan is growing, according to Trusteer. Risk analysis teams have also observed an increase in the number of …

SecurID users targeted by fake NSA email

RSA’s SecurID token users have recently been targeted with fake emails supposedly coming from the US National Security Agency urging them to update their token code …

Japanese man arrested for storing malware

38-year-old Yasuhiro Kawaguchi is the first person in Japan to get arrested for storing malware on his computer after the upper house’s Judicial Affairs Committee has …

“Amy Winehouse death video” scams hit Facebook users

The past weekend has been rife with bad news that captured the attention of the greater public, and online scammers have wasted no time in taking advantage of it. Facebook …

Oslo bombing Facebook scams infecting 1 user per second

Websense has found an alarming number of Facebook scams taking advantage of yesterday’s tragedy in Oslo, Norway. Right now it seems to be infecting one user every …

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