DigiNotar hacker shares details on GlobalSign breach
Yesterday, GlobalSign announced that it will not be issuing any more certificates until the claims about a breach into its networks made by the “Comodohacker” are …
Cybercriminals impersonating government agencies
GFI Software today announced its top 10 most prevalent threat detections for August 2011. Notable threats last month included spam and poisoned search engine results targeting …
3 million digital game keys leaked
An cardinal oversight on a third party fulfillment agency website hosting activation keys for Codemasters’ DiRT 3 game has resulted in the leak of some 3 million keys …
Global cost of cybercrime? $114 billion annually
For the first time a Norton study calculates the cost of global cybercrime: $114 billion annually. Based on the value victims surveyed placed on time lost due to their …
New financial malware attacks global financial institutions
Trusteer warned that a second non-financial malware variant called Shylock has been retrofitted with fraud capabilities and is abusing its large installed base of infected …
Phishers up their game
An unusually well crafted phishing site posing as the site of a well-known software company has been recently spotted by Symantec. Pushing software products at extremely …
Web Directories site leads to exploit kit and malware
Web Directories, a site designed to help webmasters and site owners find relevant directories, has been compromised and found redirecting its visitors to sites running the …
DigiNotar breach report reveals lousy security practices
An interim report issued by security audit firm Fox IT, who has been hired to investigate the DigiNotar breach, reveals that things are far worse than we were led to believe. …
Iranian users were the ultimate target in DigiNotar compromise
If you needed a confirmation of Google’s claims that the rogue SSL issued by DigiNotar for * domains was used mainly to mount man-in-the-middle attacks …
New Zeus-based variant targets banks around the world
Another Zeus-based offering has been unearthed by Trend Micros researchers, and by the look of things, this one seems to be better crafted than the recently discovered Ice IX …
The Register, The Daily Telegraph, UPS hit by DNS hack
Readers of British technology news and opinion website The Register got an unwelcome surprise when they tried to access it yesterday: But, what at first looked like a …
Blackhat SEO spam is a global problem
If you have wondered whether to switch your go-to search engine for another – perhaps more localized? – in order to avoid the seemingly ubiquitous poisoned search …