Pinterest users targeted with scams
Pinterest, the pinboard-styled social photo sharing website that got so popular even Mark Zuckerberg opened a profile to see what all the fuss was about, has also caught the …
The future of attacks on banking systems
If you’re a regular reader of our news site – or, indeed, any other that site that deals with information and computer security – you might sometimes get the …
Alleged SMS Trojan makers indicted in France
Two men recently arrested in France stand accused of having developed a mobile Trojan app that stole money from Android users, reports L’Informaticien (via Google …
Bogus “Scan from a HP OfficeJet” notifications lead to malware
Notifications about documents purportedly having been scanned and sent via a HP OfficeJet printer/scanner are targeting users again and trying to trick them into opening the …
Tips to minimize the risk of identity fraud
Javelin Strategy & Research recommends that consumers follow a three-step approach to minimize their risk and impact of identity fraud. Prevention 1. Keep personal data …
Identity fraud hits 11.6 million in the US
In 2011 identity fraud increased by 13 percent. More than 11.6 million adults became a victim of identity fraud in the United States, while the dollar amount stolen held …
Facebook scams racing against the clock
Facebook scammers have lately initiated a number of scams that use an unusual approach to make users “like” 70+ Facebook pages without even knowing what they are. …
Trojan hijacks often-used DLL file for stealthier approach
A new dropper Trojan has been detected by BitDefender researchers, and this one utilizes an interesting technique in order to hide from antivirus software installed on the …
New Zeus/SpyEye makes bots function as C&C servers
The latest build of the Zeus/SpyEye malware shows a change that could very well hamper the security researchers’ ability to take down the botnets using it and to find …
Fake RIAA copyright violation notification serves malware
First spotted nearly a week ago, notifications of copyright violation supposedly sent by the Recording Industry Association of America are still hitting inboxes around the …
“Ex-girlfriend sex video” Facebook scam
Survey scammers love targeting Facebook users, because the social nature of the network makes sure that the scam will be propagated far and wide. The latest of these scams has …
Ransomware impersonates the Italian police
Ransomware targeting Italian-speaking users is being served from compromised websites via malicious JavaScript code, warns Total Defense’s Rossano Ferraris. The users …