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online shopping
1 in 5 merchants compromised by Magecart get reinfected

The Magecart threat looms large for online retailers and their customers, as the criminal groups that have been assigned this collective name are constantly trying out new …

Attackers breached Statcounter to steal cryptocurrency from users

Web analytics company Statcounter and cryptocurrency exchange have been compromised in another supply-chain attack, which resulted in an unknown number of …

Beagle free visual analytics tool helps bring cybercriminals to justice

A team of researchers is helping law enforcement crack down on email scammers, thanks to a new visual analytics tool that speeds up forensic email investigations and …

Damaging cyberattacks surge ahead of 2018 U.S. midterm elections

Carbon Black released its Quarterly Incident Response Threat Report (QIRTR) aggregating key findings from IR partner investigations during the last 90 days. Key findings …

Nastiest malware of 2018: Top attack payloads wreaking havoc

Webroot highlights the top cyberattacks of 2018 in its latest nastiest malware list, which showcases the malware and attack payloads that have been most detrimental to …

Increased dark web activity putting merchants and consumers at risk

Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting retailers and their customers through digital and social channels as retailers leverage new channels for increased revenue …

Bitdefender releases GandCrab ransomware decryption tool

Bitdefender released a decryption tool for recent versions of GandCrab, the world’s most prolific ransomware. Developed in close partnership with Europol and the …

eye dark
UK citizens fear identity theft over other security concerns such as national security

The 2018 Unisys Security Index, a security barometer which surveys over 1,000 UK citizens, has revealed identity theft as the top worry for UK citizens, with 56 percent of …

mobile payment
66% UK SMBs believe they are being aggressively targeted by fraudsters

More than half (52%) of online SMBs globally worry that the move to frictionless payments, such as transactions that take place behind the scenes in apps, is leaving them more …

Phishing attacks becoming more targeted, phishers love Microsoft the most

Microsoft remains ensconced on the top of the list of brands impersonated by phishers in North America, Vade Secure has revealed. Phishers’ favorite targets The company …

Most consumers worry about cybercrime, but are not aware of what can be done about it

There is a high level of concern among consumers about the risks associated with cybercrime from their smart devices, and one in four claims to be a victim of a cyberattack. …

USA and China identified as top cyber attack sources

NSFOCUS released its H1 Cybersecurity Insights report, which analyzed traffic from January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018. Crypto miners Since the end of March, the number of crypto …

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