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Digital skills are critical for tackling the rising tide of cybercrime

The rising tide of cybercrime shows no sign of slowing. Whether it’s hacking, identity fraud or malware attacks, online criminals have proven themselves to be both relentless …

Cybercrime gangs continue to innovate to hide their crimes

According to the APWG’s new Phishing Activity Trends Report, after spiking in the spring, phishing has been taking place at a steady pace — but phishers are using new …

Hacking democracy efforts continue with upticks in malware deployments

Comodo Cybersecurity released its Global Threat Report 2018 Q3, offering insights from Comodo Threat Research Lab experts into key cyberthreat trends and the impact of malware …

6.8% of the top 100,000 websites still accept old, insecure SSL versions

Mac-based malware has appeared on the list of the top ten most common types of malware for the first time in WatchGuard’s quarterly Internet security report. The Mac scareware …

Android Trojan steals money from victims’ PayPal account

ESET researchers have unearthed a new Android Trojan that tricks users into logging into PayPal, then takes over and mimics the user’s clicks to send money to the attacker’s …

November 2018: Most wanted malware exposed

Check Point has published its latest Global Threat Index for November 2018. The index reveals that the Emotet botnet has entered the Index’s top 10 ranking after researchers …

Half of management teams lack awareness about BPC despite increased attacks

Trend Micro revealed that 43 percent of surveyed organizations have been impacted by a Business Process Compromise (BPC). Despite a high incidence of these types of attacks, …

Sharp rise in email and social media hacking in the UK

Police forces across the UK are coming under increasing pressure to launch criminal investigations into incidents of social media and computer hacking, according to a new …

ATM attackers strike again: Are you at risk?

The United States National ATM Council recently released information about a series of ATM attacks using rogue network devices. The criminals opened the upper half of the ATM …

Conficker: A 10-year retrospective on a legendary worm

This November marked the 10-year anniversary of Conficker, a fast-spreading worm targeting Microsoft systems that went on to claim one of the highest levels of infection in …

The holiday season and cybercrime: 8 ways to protect yourself

The holiday season has become an unbridled online spending extravaganza, and threat actors have taken notice. For shoppers, what starts out as an attempt to fulfill their …

Users lock
Third parties: Fast-growing risk to an organization’s sensitive data

The Ponemon Institute surveyed more than 1,000 CISOs and other security and risk professionals across the US and UK to understand the challenges companies face in protecting …

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