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Sale of SSL/TLS certificates on the dark web is rampant

There is no dearth of compromised, fake and forged SSL/TLS certificates for sale on dark web markets, researchers have found. TLS certificates are sold individually and …

Businesses need to rethink security priorities due to shifting trends

One shift in attacks that businesses should be aware of is the rapid growth of cryptocurrency mining, which increased 237 percent, according to the 2018 Security Roundup …

40% of malicious URLs were found on good domains

While tried-and-true attack methods are still going strong, new threats emerge daily, and new vectors are being tested by cybercriminals, according to the 2019 Webroot Threat …

Attackers continue to enhance their performance, apply smart business techniques

During the second half of 2018, attackers bulked up existing tactics, rapidly evolvied new performance enhancements, and applied smart business techniques to vastly accelerate …

Social media-enabled cybercrime is generating $3.25 billion a year

Social media-enabled cybercrime is generating at least $3.25B in global revenue annually, according to an extensive six-month academic study undertaken by Dr. Mike McGuire, …

Increasing security measures are driving cybercriminals to alter their techniques

Increased security measures and awareness are driving cybercriminals to alter their techniques in search of a better return on investment (ROI). Total recorded vulnerabilities …

Accidental data breaches are often compounded by a failure to encrypt

83 percent of security professionals believe that employees have accidentally exposed customer or business sensitive data at their organization. Accidental data breaches are …

Criminal groups promising salaries averaging $360,000 per year to accomplices

New research from Digital Shadows reveals that criminal groups are promising salaries averaging the equivalent of $360,000 per year to accomplices who can help them target …

92% of organizations rank users as their primary security concern

Cybercrime continues to evolve and become more sophisticated. AI and machine learning are leveraged by many criminal organizations to help them better understand how to …

Symantec ISTR
Formjacking is the new get rich quick scheme for cybercriminals

Faced with diminishing returns from ransomware and cryptojacking, cybercriminals are doubling down on alternative methods, such as formjacking, to make money according to …

Phishers’ new trick for bypassing email URL filters

Phishers have come up with another trick to make Office documents carrying malicious links undetectable by many e-mail security services: they delete the links from the …

Ryuk: What does the helpdesk tell us?

Cybercrime is the only criminal channel that provides a helpdesk. An amusing side note in the world of digital crime, and whilst considerable efforts have been taken to …

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