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Phishing targeting SaaS and webmail services increased to 36% of all phishing attacks

Users of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and webmail services are being targeted with increasing frequency, according to the APWG Q1 2019 Phishing Activity Trends Report. The …

The lurking danger of hacked email reply chains

Although phishing has been around in various forms since the 1990s, recent news has shown that it continues to evolve – and remains a major threat. These days, phishing …

What will phishers do once push-based MFA becomes widely used?

As phishing continues to be the number one method for initiating a breach, investing in anti-phishing technologies or training – preferably both – should be a …

Cybercriminals continue to target intellectual property, putting brand reputation at risk

Despite improvements in combating cybercrime and threats, IT security professionals are still struggling to fully secure their organization and protect against breaches with …

Docker hub
Attackers breached Docker Hub, grabbed keys and tokens

Docker, the company behing the popular virtualization tool bearing the same name, has announced late on Friday that it has suffered a security breach. There was no official …

Most SMBs would pay a ransom in order to recover stolen data

More than half (55 percent) of executives at SMBs said they would pay hackers in order to recover their stolen data in ransomware attacks, according to the second quarterly …

Cybercriminals are becoming more methodical and adaptive

Cybercriminals are deviating towards a more focused approach against targets by using better obfuscation techniques and improved social engineering skills as organizations …

Another European manufacturer crippled by ransomware

Aebi Schmidt, a Switzerland-based manufacturer and provider of municipal and agriculture machinery, has apparently been hit by ransomware. What happened? “Due to an IT …

Which employees receive the most highly targeted email-borne threats?

Workers in R&D/Engineering are the most heavily targeted group of employees within organizations, a new Proofpoint report says, and lower-level employees are at a higher …

BEC scams
Latest numbers show why BEC/EAC scams are here to stay

Extortion has become the second most often reported type of cybercrime, but BEC/EAC scams still reign supreme when it comes to monetary loss (or criminals’ earnings), …

PDF: The vehicle of choice for malware and fraud

There has been a substantial increase of fraudulent PDF files, according to a report by SonicWall Capture Labs threat researchers. This fraud campaign takes advantage of …

mobile user
Consumers concerned about privacy but willing to take risks for convenience

In today’s connected world, businesses are prime targets for cyber attacks and unintentional missteps can result in critical exposure of consumers’ sensitive personal …

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