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phishing kits
Phishing kits that bypass MFA protection are growing in popularity

The increased use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) has pushed developers of phishing kits to come up with ways to bypass that added account protection measure. A current …

Bank executives mostly concerned about cybercrime

A research released by Computer Services suggests growing concerns among bank executives around recruiting and retaining talent as well as fighting cybercrime threats. In the …

Beware of fake tax apps pushing malware

With the self-assessment tax deadline fast approaching in the UK, self-employed individuals will be looking to take advantage of the many apps that are on the market to help …

The future of security protocols for remote work

Cybercrime has been growing rapidly for years, and the sudden pandemic-fueled shift to work from home (WFH) only accelerated the threat, forcing businesses to start putting a …

SMEs still an easy target for cybercriminals

Cybercrime continues to be a major concern, with 51% of SMEs experiencing a cybersecurity breach, a Markel Direct survey reveals. In this survey that polled 1000 respondents, …

Ransomware attacks decrease, operators started rebranding

Positive Technologies experts have analyzed the Q3 2021 cybersecurity threatscape and found a decrease in the number of unique cyberattacks. However, there’s been an increase …

Exploring the current state of cybersecurity resilience

Cyberattacks surged over fivefold during the height of the pandemic, with large U.K. organisations each facing an average of 885 attempted cyberattacks in 2020 – up from 156 …

Businesses need to stop thinking that ransomware is different from other attacks

Organizations are in danger of allowing the spectre of ransomware attacks to distract them from keeping up with general security measures, according to SE Labs. The company …

Ransomware Empire: Who might blackmail your company?

The history of ransomware attacks covers slightly over 30 years. Over this modest period, cybercriminals have been relentlessly building ransomware capacities and improving …

Tom Wesselman
Combating identity fraud: The key is to avoid stagnation

In this interview with Help Net Security, Tom Wesselman, CTO of TeleSign, explains how to successfully combat identity fraud to not only protect an organization but its …

Digital IDs don’t have to impinge on civil liberties and privacy

The shift towards an increasingly digital world has become overwhelmingly apparent. The coronavirus era has forced a technological leap on all fronts, and incumbent …

How C-suite executives perceive their organizations’ readiness for ransomware attacks

A new (ISC)² study provides insights for cybersecurity professionals into the minds of C-suite executives and how they perceive their organisations’ readiness for ransomware …

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