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Massive Epsilon breach affects JPMorgan Chase, Capital One, US Bank and others

Third-party firms that handle e-mail marketing for big companies and corporations have lately become a very desirable target for attackers, and the onslaught continues. The …

The execution of the RSA hack

More than two weeks have passed since the high profile RSA hack, and the company has finally decided to share some of the details regarding the attack. The question that is …

Recidivist youngster sentenced for new hack

27-year-old Van T. Dinh has been sentenced to three years in prison and ordered to pay $125,000 in restitution for having breached an online currency exchange service …

Pharmaceutical spam and mobile threats dominate

Wannabe cybercriminals were able to execute attacks with impunity and relative ease thanks to toolkits, pre-written software programs designed to steal information, rendering …

Intellectual capital is the new cybercrime currency

Cybercriminals understand there is greater value in selling a corporations’ proprietary information and trade secrets which have little to no protection making …

RSA breach: Reactions from the security community

RSA, the security division of EMC, has suffered a breach and data loss following an “extremely sophisticated cyber attack.” Their investigation revealed that the …

Rustock botnet downed by Microsoft

As many security companies and experts noted in the last few days, the activities of the Rustock botnet came to a standstill. They speculated about the reason behind this …

RSA hacked, SecurID users possibly affected

In an open letter, Art Coviello, the executive chairman of RSA (the security division of EMC), made public the fact that the company has suffered a breach and data loss …

Student charged with operating grade fixing scheme

At first glance, a 19-year-old might seem like an unlikely criminal. A school’s salutatorian (a student that has the second-highest marks at graduation) with a 4.54 …

French government networks breached in search for G20 files

It seems that France is the latest country whose government computer networks have been targeted by malicious individuals with likely ties to the Chinese government. The …

Simple protection steps from credit card fraud

Every year, cybercriminals steal billions of dollars from unsuspecting computer users and companies by committing credit card fraud. Although this activity was once relegated …

Internet fraudsters jailed for online criminal forum

A group of young internet fraudsters who set up an online criminal forum which traded unlawfully obtained credit card details and tools to commit computer offences were jailed …

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