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Citigroup data theft the result of a common vulnerability

If the information the NYT has received about the Citigroup breach is correct, and the intrusion was made possible by the exploitation of a vulnerability so frequent and …

LulzSec DDoS rampage downs game servers and sites

Tuesday has been another busy day for the LulzSec bunch, and has witnessed DDoS attacks against a number of targets. It all started with the downing of the website of the …

LulzSec targets US Senate and online game company

LulzSec has struck again over the weekend, and this time the targets were the official website of the US Senate and the Bethesda Softworks’ computer network. Officials …

Web host victims repeatedly exploited by cybercriminals

More than one-third of respondents to an Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) survey were repeat victims of phishing attacks that resulted in a successful establishment of …

Alleged Spanish, Turkish Anonymous members arrested

News that three Spanish nationals linked to Anonymous have been arrested has been followed by the announcement of the Turkish police that it has detained 32 individuals …

Foreign government behind IMF breach and data theft?

The International Monetary Fund’s systems have been breached by cyber attackers believed to be linked to a unnamed foreign government. According to the NYT, the hack …

FBI affiliate organization hacked, user database leaked

Only a day after they leaked the details of over one million user accounts and various databases of Sony Pictures and some of its regional sites, LulzSec announced a …

Business continuity: You need more than just a plan

Stop for a moment and take a look around you – IT isn’t just the computer on your desk, the lap top in your bag or the mobile in your pocket. The truth is …

More US military contractors hit by cyber attacks

It seems that the floodgates have opened. Following the confirmed attack against Lockheed Martin‘s computer networks comes the news that two more US military contractors …

Data center IT departments fear targeted attacks

IT departments are now turning to virtualization, with half of the respondents having either implemented or are planning to deploy private clouds, according to a McAfee study. …

Spammers establish their own fake URL-shortening services

For the first time ever, spammers are establishing their own their own fake URL-shortening services to perform URL redirection, according to Symantec. This new spamming …

40% of IT staff could wreak havoc to your network

A survey showed that 40% of IT staff admit that they could hold their employers hostage – even after they’ve left for other employment – by making it …

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