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Cybercrime on social networks continues to climb

With malware showing no signs of abating on social networks and continuous news of the privacy implications of sharing personal details through social media, it’s no …

Search engine hack innovation

Attackers are increasingly leveraging the power of search engines, like Google, to successfully carry out automated cyber attacks against vulnerable websites, according to …

DDoS attack disrupts trading on Hong Kong’s stock exchange

The website of Hong Kong’s stock exchange has been hit by a DDoS attack and trading has been suspended as the site in question is used for publishing announcements by …

Citigroup suffers second data breach in four months

Less than four months after the breach that affected some 200,000 Citigroup customers comes the news that the personal data of 92,000 Citi Cards Japan users has been …

Hackers raid mass killer’s email accounts for info

After the recent hacking of Norwegian mass killer Anders Breivik Behring’s Twitter account, it seems that the same group of hackers has also decided to compromise two of …

Anonymous dumps US law enforcement, Brazil’s Federal Police data, hacks Syrian MOD website

It has been another busy weekend for the AntiSec initiative. First Anonymous and LulzSec released a 10GB data dump consisting of the information pilfered from the servers of …

Annual cost of cybercrime highlights need for governance

ISACA commends the Ponemon Institute’s latest “Cost of cybercrime” report for the detail it provides on the indirect costs of IT security attacks, as well as …

Coding error reveals RSA attackers operated from China

A simple error message returned by a server to which a malware sample was trying to connect revealed to Dell SecureWorks researchers the origin of the RSA attack, says Joe …

A unique malware file is created every half-second

Sophos has released its Mid-Year 2011 Security Threat Report, which reveals that since the beginning of 2011, the company has identified an average of 150,000 malware samples …

Arrested “Topiary” has a name, faces five charges

The alleged LulzSec member arrested last week by the e-Crime Unit of London’s Metropolitan Police on the Shetland Islands has a name: Jake Davis. He is 18 years old …

LulzSec member Topiary arrested?

Was LulzSec member Topiary arrested yesterday by the e-Crime Unit of London’s Metropolitan Police? “The man arrested is believed to be linked to an ongoing …

Phishers becoming sophisticated marketers of fraud

Phishers are becoming more sophisticated criminal marketers, according to a report by IID which documents a quarter that was a watershed for data breaches, from large-scale …

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