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Visual investigations of botnet command and control behavior

One of the classic debates in computer science concerns whether artificial intelligence or virtual reality is the more worthwhile pursuit. The advocates of artificial …

Exploring the dangers of a mobile lifestyle

We live in an increasingly digital world, and rely on the devices we use to store our more or less valuable information and to perform critical tasks. In fact, according to a …

Young employees don’t care about corporate policies

There’s a growing appetite of Generation Y employees to contravene corporate policies governing use of own devices, personal cloud storage accounts and new technologies …

Attackers use smaller botnets to launch high-bandwidth attacks

DDoS perpetrators changed tactics in Q3 2013 to boost attack sizes and hide their identities, according to Prolexic. “This quarter, the major concern is that reflection …

Top U.S. cities for online fraud origination

ThreatMetrix announced data ranking the top U.S. cities for the origination of online fraud. The data reveals that Santa Clara, CA, is the nation’s top spot for online …

Higher education networks 300% more likely to contain malware

OpenDNS researchers found that higher education networks are 300 percent more likely to contain malware than their enterprise and government counterparts. The study also …

Yara rules for leaked KINS toolkit

Just a few days ago, the source code of the famous KINS banking Trojan was leaked. KINS aims to infect as much computers as possible in order to steal credit cards, bank …

Bogus Facebook login page steals credentials, pushes malware

Symantec researchers have recently stumbled upon a phishing site that packs a double whammy: the site asks the user either to log into Facebook or to download an app in order …

Brian Honan appointed Special Advisor to Europol Cybercrime Centre

BH Consulting, a specialist firm in information security consulting, today announced that its CEO Brian Honan has been appointed as a Special Advisor on Internet Security to …

The cost and frequency of cyber attacks on the rise

The cost, frequency and time to resolve cyberattacks continue to rise for the fourth consecutive year, according to a global study by HP and the Ponemon Institute. The 2013 …

Will arrests tied to Silk Road put a damper on online drug sales?

The Silk Road shutdown and the arrest of his alleged founder and owner have resonated throughout the Deep Wed and have frightened many of its denizens – but not all. …

PureVPN users receive fake email saying authorities closed down the service

Over the weekend, customers of Hong Kong-based VPN service PureVPN were taken aback by an email that was seemingly sent by the company’s founder Uzair Gadit, saying that …

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