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Home Wi-Fi security is as bad as PC security in the 90s

Nearly three out of four internet-connected households in the UK are at risk of getting attacked through their wireless router, according to a recent study by Avast Software. …

Sony hack: Employees get threatening emails

Employees of Sony Pictures Entertainment have received a bizarre email purportedly sent by the hackers who took down the company’s network and systems. In broken …

What will create cybersecurity challenges in 2015?

Security experts at Unisys predicted even greater cybersecurity challenges in the year ahead as continued growth in the use of mobile devices and applications in the …

Sony hack: Lousy security, customized malware linked to previous attacks

The security picture painted by the stolen and leaked documents from Sony Pictures Entertainment becomes uglier by the day, as several companies and news outlets continue to …

Bebe Stores latest victim of a payment card breach

Another big US-based has suffered a card data breach. According to information initially gathered by Brian Krebs and several banks, Bebe Stores – a women’s retail …

Researchers analyze destructive malware used in Sony hack

Who is behind the Sony Pictures Entertainment hack, and how extensive is it? These are two questions to which we still don’t know the answers, but new leaks and hints …

FBI issues warning on destructive malware

Last week’s breach of Sony Pictures Entertainment networks and the disabling of employees’ computers has likely been the incident that spurred the FBI to release a …

Hackers hit execs for insider info to gain stock market advantage

FireEye’s researchers have identified yet another hacking group. Dubbed FIN4, the hacking crew seems to be comprised of native English speakers with “deep …

Coordinated cyber attacks on global critical infrastructure exposed

Cylance identified coordinated attacks by hackers based in Iran on more than 50 targets in 16 countries around the globe. Victim organizations were found in a variety of …

The persistent threat of data breaches

Preventing and managing data breaches have become two of the highest priorities facing businesses today. Many evolving factors such as new threats, regulatory changes and …

The dangers of Cyber Monday deals

Today is Cyber Monday, the day when shoppers concentrate on buying the tech they wanted to all year, for a fraction of the original price. In the wake of the …

Regin spy malware was used in Belgacom, EU government hacks

Which nation state is behind the sophisticated Regin espionage malware? According to The Intercept, it’s likely wielded by the UK spy agency GCHQ and/or the US NSA. The …

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