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Polymorphic Beebone botnet sinkholed in international police operation

On April 8, a global operation targeted the Beebone (also known as AAEH) botnet, a polymorphic downloader bot which installs various forms of malware on victims’ …

Cybercrime gets easier, attribution gets harder

Threat actors are gaining capabilities through the adoption of cutting-edge tools instead of technical expertise, according to Websense. Redirect chains, code recycling and a …

Are you prepared for dealing with a breach?

RSA, The Security Division of EMC, released the results of a new global breach readiness survey that covered thirty countries and compared those global results with a survey …

Cyber crooks go after enterprise millions with Dyre malware, social engineering

“An experienced and resource-backed cybercrime gang” is using the relatively new Dyre/Dyreza banking Trojan coupled with effective social engineering to steal …

US to enact sanctions against foreign cyber attackers

US president Barack Obama has signed on Wednesday a new executive order aimed at imposing “sanctions on individuals or entities that engage in malicious cyber-enabled …

Two feds charged for stealing Bitcoin during Silk Road investigation

Two former US federal agents have been charged with wire fraud, money laundering and related offenses for stealing digital currency during their investigation of Silk Road. …

Fake “Incoming Fax Report” emails lead to crypto-ransomware

Once again, fake “Incoming Fax Report” emails carrying malware are being sent out to random users. Given the popularity of online fax-sending services, there are …

Personal, healthcare info of over 11M Premera customers compromised

US healthcare provider Premera Blue Cross has suffered a data breach that resulted in a potential compromise of personal, financial and health-related information of as many …

Do your attackers know your network better than you?

Cyber crime is a lucrative business. In fact, to make the cyber attack as profitable as possible and to minimize the risk of getting caught, attackers and black hat hackers …

Hack yourself first: How we can take the fight to the black hats

The Internet has increased the interconnectivity of everyone and everything on the globe. From healthcare to commerce, public services and beyond, being connected has enriched …

Three indicted for breaching Email Service Providers, monetizing stolen data

Viet Quoc Nguyen and Giang Hoang Vu, both citizens of Vietnam who resided for a period of time in the Netherlands, have been indicted on Friday for their role in a massive …

UK: 57 arrested for cyber crime, including US DoD hacker

Last week was a busy one for UK law enforcement, as agents from the National Cyber Crime Unit (NCCU) of the National Crime Agency (NCA) spearheaded a nationwide cyber crime …

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