Android SMS Trojans evolve, go after bank and payment system accounts
“Once upon a time cyber crooks used SMS Trojans to earn themselves money by subscribing users to unwanted premium mobile services. Today, the situation has changed, and …
Millions of iOS users endangered by Trojanized apps from the App Store
“Unknown malware pushers have managed to trick Apple into offering for download from the company’s official App Store a considerable number of malicious apps …
Malware takes screenshots of the infected players virtual poker hand
“Malicious spyware is targeting users of Full Tilt Poker and PokerStars online games, ESET researchers have revealed. The spyware, named Odlanor, takes screenshots of …
New malware can make ATMs not give users’ card back
“A new type of malware that can be used to compromise ATMs independently of who their manufacturer is, and can make the machine steal card data but also the cards …
Aggressive tactics from DD4BC extortionist group revealed
Akamai shared details of an increase in DDoS attacks from the Bitcoin extortionist group DD4BC, based on observation of attack traffic targeted at customers from September …
2015 saw 888 data breaches, 246 million records compromised worldwide
Gemalto revealed that in the first six months of this year a total of 888 data breaches occurred, compromising 246 million records worldwide.Compared to the first half of …
Carbanak APT still targeting high-value financial institutions and casinos
The Anunak / Carbanak hacking group continues to target banks, but has also now hitting Forex-trading companies, casinos, and other institutions from which it can steal large …
Cyber crooks opt for APT method for delivering malware
“Delivering malware without it being flagged by users and security solutions is one of the biggest challenges malware peddlers face. Luckily for them, if they …
An emerging global threat: BEC scams hitting more and more businesses
As more and more victims come forward, and the losses sustained by firms in the US and around the world passed the billion dollar mark, the FBI is once again warning …
Five years of hardware and software threat evolution
McAfee Labs commemorates the five-year anniversary of the Intel-McAfee union by comparing what researchers thought would happen beginning in 2010 with what actually happened …
Ashley Madison-themed blackmail, data deletion scams hitting inboxes
In the wake of the Ashley Madison hack and consequent data leaks, blackmailers and scammers are doing their best to extract as much money and information as it’s …
The rise of mobile transactions and online lending fraud
During Q2, ThreatMetrix examined cybercrime attacks detected during real-time analysis and interdiction of fraudulent online payments, logins and new account registrations. …
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