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Companies investing in advanced forensic capabilities to identify attackers in greater detail

One in five companies are already using forensic investigations and other sophisticated methods to identify their attackers, like setting up honey pots and repositories of …

When all else fails, organizations realize they must share threat intel

A large majority of security IT decision makers are ready and willing to share valuable threat intelligence data to help the collective industry make better, more informed …

Healthcare IT pros now confident in their cyber attack response ability

Almost two years since the ransomware attack that brought the NHS (National Health Service) to a halt, healthcare IT professionals feel more confident in their ability to …

Windows 10 laptop
Only 14% of organizations have completed migration to Windows 10

Almost a quarter of organizations will not be ready for Microsoft to terminate public delivery of Windows 7 security updates on January 14, 2020, the official end of support …

Cybercriminals thriving on companies overlooking fundamental security requirements

IT leaders in the United States are putting business data at risk by not effectively managing employees’ passwords, according to OneLogin research. Despite the fact that 91% …

Another European manufacturer crippled by ransomware

Aebi Schmidt, a Switzerland-based manufacturer and provider of municipal and agriculture machinery, has apparently been hit by ransomware. What happened? “Due to an IT …

PDF: The vehicle of choice for malware and fraud

There has been a substantial increase of fraudulent PDF files, according to a report by SonicWall Capture Labs threat researchers. This fraud campaign takes advantage of …

Scientists may have identified a new way to improve network security

With cybersecurity one of the nation’s top security concerns and billions of people affected by breaches last year, government and businesses are spending more time and …

As bad bots grow more sophisticated, so does the number of industries impacted by them

Bot attack sophistication continues to evolve, as advanced attackers learn to adapt their techniques in order to invalidate existing defense tactics, according to Distil …

Underserved populations unaware of cybersecurity risks

Members of underserved populations are less likely to know whether they have even been victimized by a cyber attack, and they have lower awareness of cybersecurity risks. …

biohazard energy
Cyber espionage and sabotage attacks pose an increasing threat to the energy industry

Malicious actors are targeting critical infrastructure (CNI) sites and energy distribution facilities exponentially. Interconnected systems in the energy industry increase …

77% of orgs lack a cybersecurity incident response plan

How prepared are organizations when it comes to withstanding and recovering from a cyberattack? The fourth annual benchmark study on Cyber Resilience by IBM Security and the …

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