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Cyber risk increases at all layers of the corporate network

Organizations will face a growing risk from their cloud and the supply chain, according to Trend Micro. Cyber risk increases at all levels The growing popularity of cloud and …

Only 11% of organizations can detect intruders in under one minute

The process of detecting, triaging, investigating, and containing a cyber incident takes organizations globally on average nearly seven days of working around the clock …

Attackers increasingly embrace small-scale DDoS attacks to evade detection

The growth in both large- and small-scale DDoS attacks continues its upward trajectory, according to a report released by Neustar. The report reveals that the total number of …

Attack tools and techniques used by major ransomware families

Ransomware tries to slip unnoticed past security controls by abusing trusted and legitimate processes, and then harnesses internal systems to encrypt the maximum number of …

Fraud rates increasing as criminals become more sophisticated

Fraud rates have been skyrocketing, with 90 voice channel attacks occurring every minute in the U.S., Pindrop reveals. Key findings Voice fraud continues to serve as a major …

Speeding MTTR when a third-party cloud service is attacked

We all know you can’t stop every malicious attack. Even more troublesome is when an externally sourced element in the cloud – engaged as part of your infrastructure …

IoT security
Only 47% of cybersecurity pros are prepared to deal with attacks on their IoT devices

Fewer than half (47%) of cybersecurity professionals have a plan in place to deal with attacks on their IoT devices and equipment, despite that fact that nine out of ten …

Cybercriminals are testing exposed credentials for future account takeover attacks

Fraud increased 30% overall in Q3 2019 and bot-driven account registration fraud is up 70% as cybercriminals test stolen credentials in advance of the holiday retail season, …

Phishing attacks at highest level in three years

The number of phishing attacks continued to rise into the autumn of 2019, according to APWG. The total number of phishing sites detected in July through September 2019 was …

Active Directory
Who is responsible for Active Directory security within your organization?

Over one third (36%) of IT professionals say their organizations are more vulnerable to security threats now than they were five years ago, according to a new Alsid research. …

Europol: Spear phishing the most prevalent cyber threat affecting orgs across the EU

Spear phishing describes the practice of targeting specific individuals within an organisation or business for the purposes of distributing malware or extracting sensitive …

MSPs face increased risks and opportunities to rethink cybersecurity

Managed service providers (MSPs) and their small-and medium-sized business (SMB) customers lack the tools and resources needed to sufficiently defend against rising …

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