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Across-the-board increase in DDoS attacks of all sizes

There has been a 168% increase in DDoS attacks in Q4 2019, compared with Q4 2018, and a 180% increase overall in 2019 vs. 2018, according to Neustar. The company saw DDoS …

Evasive malware increasing, evading signature-based antivirus solutions

Evasive malware has grown to record high levels, with over two-thirds of malware detected by WatchGuard in Q4 2019 evading signature-based antivirus solutions. This is a …

password managers
Some commercial password managers vulnerable to attack by fake apps

Security experts recommend using a complex, random and unique password for every online account, but remembering them all would be a challenging task. That’s where …

Can 5G make you more vulnerable to cyberattacks?

Many enterprises and sectors are unaware of the 5G security vulnerabilities that exist today. Choice IoT says it’s critical for businesses to have a plan for discovering and …

The human element in security is still needed to combat application vulnerabilities

While over half of organizations use artificial intelligence or machine learning in their security stack, nearly 60 percent are still more confident in cyberthreat findings …

DDoS attacks could affect next generation 911 call systems

Despite a previous warning by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) researchers, who exposed vulnerabilities in 911 systems due to DDoS attacks, the next generation of 911 …

Most computers easy to hack due to vulnerability in memory chips

Most computer systems are still very easy to hack, due to a vulnerability in memory chips produced by Samsung, Micron and Hynix, according to a study by researchers from VUSec …

Intel inside
Scientists expose another security flaw in Intel processors

Computer scientists at KU Leuven have once again exposed a security flaw in Intel processors. Jo Van Bulck, Frank Piessens, and their colleagues in Austria, the United States, …

Rising threats call for primary cyber resilience, new strategies for governments

Cybercriminals are holding governments hostage more frequently, expanding their attack base, and asking for more money, according to a report released by Deloitte. The study …

Cybercriminals leveraging coronavirus outbreak to execute ransomware attacks

Cybercriminals are likely to leverage the global anxiety around the coronavirus outbreak to execute ransomware attacks against businesses, according to RiskIQ. After extensive …

US Army
SymTCP: New approach to protecting Army systems without massive amounts of manual intervention

An approach to network security that will enhance the effectiveness and timeliness of protection against adversarial intrusion and evasion strategies, has been identified by …

Corporate cybersecurity concerns and spend continue to rise, but so do breaches

More than 50 percent of security and IT leaders agree that they are very concerned about the security of corporate endpoints given the prevalence of sophisticated attack …

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