
Bitcoin Security Rectifier app aims to make Bitcoin more secure
A computer science engineer at Michigan State University has a word of advice for the millions of bitcoin owners who use smartphone apps to manage their cryptocurrency: …

Be a “dumbass”, like some of the world’s best cyber investigators
One of my closest friends in the cybersecurity industry has had a second-to-none career path. While in the employ of an industry leader in incident response, he was …

Consumer views and behaviors on creating and using passwords
17% of consumers would rather watch paint dry than create a unique password for every service they use, an Onfido survey reveals. The study polled more than 4,000 consumers in …

New workloads are driving data protection modernization
94.7% of IT leaders saw an impact to their work-from-home data protection as a result of COVID-19, according to IDC. The survey also unearthed that 90.8% of respondents point …

Are NFTs safe? 3 things you should know before you buy
NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, have captured the attention (and wallets) of consumers and businesses around the world. This is largely in part to the big price-tag sales, such …

Email security is a human issue
Research suggests that email is the most common point of entry for malware, providing access in 94% of cases, so it’s unsurprising that phishing is the root cause of 32% of …

What contractors should start to consider with the DoD’s CMMC compliance standards
Q1 2021 has been a tumultuous period in our era of cyber espionage. The Center For Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), which has been tracking “significant cyber …

Defeating typosquatters: Staying ahead of phishing and digital fraud
It has become a mantra for businesses targeted by hackers to describe the incident as a “sophisticated cyber-attack”. Although true in some instances, the reality is that most …

61% of cybersecurity teams are understaffed
The pandemic’s disruption has rippled across the globe, impacting workforces in nearly every sector. However, according to the findings from a survey report from ISACA and HCL …

Healthcare organizations implementing zero trust to tackle cyberattacks
It is widely known that the healthcare industry is a primary target for cyberattack, with increasingly sophisticated and highly-motivated adversaries seeking to exploit both …

DDoS attackers stick to their target even if they are unsuccessful
Link11 has released its DDoS report for Q1 2021 which revealed the number of DDoS attacks continued to grow. Between January and March, more than double the number of attacks …

MythBusters: What pentesting is (and what it is not)
You’ve probably seen the term pentesting pop up in security research and articles, but do you know what it really means? Simply put, penetration testing is a security …