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The cyber posture of the U.S. Federal Government

Government agencies are prime targets for attack due to the sheer amount of sensitive information they possess. As today’s geopolitical landscape continues to become …

DDoS threats growing in sophistication, size, and frequency

Corero Network Security has published the latest edition of its annual DDoS Threat Intelligence Report that compiles the trends, observations, predictions, and recommendations …

Where is attack surface management headed?

Reactive cyber defense is a losing strategy. It’s something that’s been tolerated for many decades, but isn’t it more cost-effective, better for the brand, and more optimal to …

Can we trust the cybersecurity of the energy sector?

A research published by DNV reveals that energy executives anticipate life, property, and environment-compromising cyberattacks on the sector within the next two years. The …

Keeping pace with emerging threats: The roundup

Egress issued its mid-year 2022 threat report offering details of emerging threats along with insights about protecting employees, customers, and businesses from these …

Paying the ransom is not a good recovery strategy

Businesses are losing the battle when it comes to defending against ransomware attacks, according to a Veeam report, which found that 72% of organizations had partial or …

Record level of bad bot traffic contributing to rise of online fraud

Bad bots, software applications that run automated tasks with malicious intent, accounted for a record-setting 27.7% of all global website traffic in 2021, up from 25.6% in …

Prioritize patching vulnerabilities associated with ransomware

A threat research from Cyber Security Works (CSW) has revealed a 7.6% increase in ransomware vulnerabilities since the publication of the Ransomware Spotlight Report in …

5 critical questions to test your ransomware preparedness

I’m a pentester – that is, a professional penetration tester. Some call me an ethical hacker, a white hat, or red teamer. In the heat of the moment, I’ve been called much …

Emotet is the most common malware

HP announced that the HP Wolf Security threat research team has identified a 27-fold increase in detections resulting from Emotet malicious spam campaigns in Q1 2022, compared …

Why are DDoS attacks so easy to launch and so hard to defend against?

DDoS attacks are an underappreciated residual risk for most organizations today. While most people are concerned about ransomware, it typically takes a ransomware attacks …

Google Drive emerges as top app for malware downloads

Netskope published a research which found that phishing downloads saw a sharp increase of 450% over the past 12 months, fueled by attackers using search engine optimization …

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