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Malware framework using legitimate utilities lobbed at government agencies

Bitdefender researchers have unearthed a previously unknown malware framework that, unlike those used by most APTs, contains many legitimate utilities. Dubbed Netrepser, the …

Turla gets ready to target Mac users

The cyber espionage group deploying the Turla (aka Snake, Uroburos, or Agent.BTZ) malware framework is expected to be able to target Mac users soon. The APT group The group, …

World target
IT service providers, many other orgs targeted in long-standing attack campaign

US-CERT has released an alert warning about a sophisticated attack campaign using multiple malware implants and targeting organizations in the IT, Energy, Healthcare and …

Hacking tools in Vault 7 data dump linked to prolific cyber espionage group

While security researchers and companies go through the collection of hacking tools contained in the data dump that the Shadow Brokers failed to sell, Symantec has tied …

How IDF soldiers’ phones got turned into spying devices

For many months now, an unknown threat actor has been tricking servicemen in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) into installing Android spyware. Israeli media says that the …

XAgentOSX Mac malware linked to Russian hacking group

Researchers have discovered and analyzed a new piece of Mac malware that is believed to be used by the Sofacy (aka Fancy Bear, aka Pawn Storm, aka APT28) hacking group. …

Egyptian civil society NGOs targeted with sophisticated phishing

In the last few months, a number of Egyptian civil society organizations, lawyers, journalists, and independent activists have been targeted with personalized and generic …

Brother and sister arrested for spying on Italian politicians for years

Two Italian siblings have been arrested on Monday and stand accused of having spied on Italian politicians, state institutions and law enforcement agencies, businesses and …

Thyssen Krupp
Hackers stole technical trade secrets from German steelmaker

German-based ThyssenKrupp, one of the world’s largest steel producers, has announced that it has been the target of a cyber attack. The company said that the attack was …

Pawn Storm raced to pop many targets before Windows zero-day patch release

As promised, Microsoft provided this Tuesday a patch for the Windows zero-day (CVE-2016-7855) actively exploited by the Strontium (aka Pawn Storm) cyber espionage hacking …

Android spyware targets business executives

Overreliance on smartphones, both in out personal and professional lives, is a reality for many of us. These devices hold a lot of sensitive information – information …

Juniper Networks
Espionage group uses cybersecurity conference invite as a lure

A cyber espionage group that has been targeting organizations in Southeast Asia for years is misusing a legitimate conference invite as a phishing lure to trigger the download …

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