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Latest leaks by NSA whistleblower reveal NSA’s global reach

EU countries might be formally outraged at the US bugging of EU officials both in America and Europe and NSA’s phone surveillance in general, but as news outlets …

EPIC petitions US Supreme court to stop NSA domestic phone spying

The Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) has filed on Monday a petition with the US Supreme Court asking it to put a stop to the disclosure of the …

Dissecting operation Troy: Cyberespionage in South Korea

When reports of the Dark Seoul attack on South Korean financial services and media firms emerged in the wake of the attack on March 20, 2013, most of the focus was on the …

U.S. senators propose new privacy bill following surveillance scandal

A group of U.S. senators lead by Senator and Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Patrick Leahy have introduced a new legislation that aims to improve government …

Snowden on the run, leaks continue unabated

The chase is on for whistleblower Edward Snowden and the U.S. government. After legally leaving Hong Kong for Moscow, and despite having his U.S. passport revoked, the former …

U.S. tech companies sharing bug info with U.S. govt before releasing fixes

A recent report by Bloomberg’s Michael Riley has revealed that a great many U.S.-based companies are voluntarily sharing sensitive information with the U.S. national …

Asia-wide targeted campaign drops backdoor, RAT

A new and widespread phishing campaign has been discovered targeting businesses and government institutions across Asia, Trend Micro reports. Telecoms, oil and gas companies, …

Oppose PRISM-like programs today or lose you privacy tomorrow

I used to work for a telecommunication company. The government had access to call records, although the process for obtaining any information required manual requests and …

Reactions from the security community to the NSA spying scandal

Last week a whistleblower created quite the stir when he leaked documents about PRISM, a surveiilance program by the NSA. Below are comments on this scandal that Help Net …

NSA whistleblower reveals himself, world reacts

This last week has been the most eventful one in infosec history since I can remember. An (at the time unnamed) whistleblower has rocked the world by disclosing documents that …

Video with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden

This video features an interview with Edward Snowden, the man behind the most significant intelligence leak in U.S. history. Copyright © 2013 Praxis Films / Laura Poitras.

Spyware sold to foreign governments aimed at U.S. woman critical of Turkish movement

A failed phishing attempt aimed at an unnamed woman openly critical of the G??len Movement has revealed that spyware created for lawful intercept purposes is being used for …

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