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Telehealth is healthcare industry’s biggest cybersecurity risk

While COVID-19 has proven the healthcare industry’s overall resilience, it has also increased its cybersecurity risk with new and emerging threats. The rapid adoption …

Which cybersecurity failures cost companies the most and which defenses have the highest ROI?

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) scientists have created a cryptographic platform that allows companies to securely share data on cyber attacks they suffered and …

insider threat
The cost of an insider attack is as much as $2 million

Employees, whether careless or malicious, can pose a great risk to organizations, a Bitglass survey reveals. 61% of survey respondents reported at least one insider attack …

Financial impact of cyber-physical system attacks expected to grow

Liability for cyber-physical security incidents will pierce the corporate veil to personal liability for 75% of CEOs by 2024, according to Gartner. Due to the nature of …

Vulnerability reporting is returning to normal

Vulnerability reporting, still impacted by COVID-19, is beginning to return to normal, Risk Based Security reveals. Out of 11,121 vulnerabilities aggregated during the first …

Active Directory
Most organizations have no Active Directory cyber disaster recovery plan

Although 97% of organizations said that Active Directory (AD) is mission-critical, more than half never actually tested their AD cyber disaster recovery process or do not have …

New attack vectors make securing virtual companies even more challenging

As organizations are settling into long-term remote working, new attack vectors for opportunistic cyberattackers—and new challenges for network administrators have been …

risk assessment
How do I select a risk assessment solution for my business?

One of the cornerstones of a security leader’s job is to successfully evaluate risk. A risk assessment is a thorough look at everything that can impact the security of …

Organizations knowingly ship vulnerable code despite using AppSec tools

Nearly half of organizations regularly and knowingly ship vulnerable code despite using AppSec tools, according to Veracode. Among the top reasons cited for pushing vulnerable …

Many companies have not taken basic steps to protect their remote workforce

New research shows almost three quarters of large businesses believe remote working policies introduced to help stop the spread of COVID-19 are making their companies more …

How to implement expedited security strategies during a crisis

Cybersecurity professionals know all too well that crises tend to breed new threats to organizational security. The current COVID-19 pandemic is evidence of this. Health …

Businesses are preparing for a cloud-based approach to applications

While most enterprises are committed to modernizing their application software portfolios, there are still myriad challenges to overcome and improvements to be made, according …

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