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Pieter Danhieux
Inspiring secure coding: Strategies to encourage developers’ continuous improvement

In software development, the importance of secure coding practices cannot be overstated. Fostering a security culture within development teams has become crucial to ensure the …

David Christensen
CISO perspective on why boards don’t fully grasp cyber attack risks

Due to their distinct perspectives, board members and CISOs often have differing views on cyber attack risks. The discrepancy arises when boards need cybersecurity expertise, …

ChatGPT’s unknown potential keeps us guessing

An overwhelming number of respondents familiar with ChatGPT were concerned about the risks it poses to security and safety, according to Malwarebytes. They also don’t …

Dennis Fridrich
Preparing health systems for cyber risks and insurance coverage

Our healthcare systems are at risk of infiltration by threat actors, potentially disrupting services, compromising sensitive data, and even jeopardizing patient outcomes. …

Patricia Thaine
ChatGPT and data protection laws: Compliance challenges for businesses

In this Help Net Security interview, Patricia Thaine, CEO at Private AI, reviews the main privacy concerns when using ChatGPT in a business context, as well as the risks that …

Cyber debt levels reach tipping point

The tension between difficult economic conditions and the pace of technology innovation, including the evolution of AI, is influencing the growth of identity-led cybersecurity …

Ken Briggs
Building a culture of security awareness in healthcare begins with leadership

With the rise of modern trends such as cloud computing and remote work, healthcare institutions strive to balance accessibility, convenience, and robust security. In this Help …

Atsushi Yamada
Navigating the quantum leap in cybersecurity

In this Help Net Security interview, we sit down with Dr. Atsushi Yamada, the newly appointed CEO of ISARA, a security solutions company specializing in creating quantum-safe …

How generative AI is reshaping the identity verification landscape

The identity verification market is experiencing a significant surge in growth. In recent years, many solutions have emerged to assist businesses in establishing trust and …

How continuous security monitoring is changing the compliance game

Managing compliance doesn’t have to be draining, time-consuming, or overly complicated. In this Help Net Security video, Wesley Van Zyl, Senior Manager, Compliance …

Organizations’ cyber resilience efforts fail to keep up with evolving threats

A steady increase in cyberattacks and evolving threat landscape are resulting in more organizations turning their attention to building long-term cyber resilience; however, …

3 tips to accelerate zero trust adoption

Zero trust adoption is beginning to accelerate as networks get more complex. Gartner predicts that by 2026, 10% of large enterprises will have a comprehensive, mature, and …

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