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Best practices for cyber resilience

Cyber resilience is a top priority for global organizations. Understanding threats plays a key role in building and maintaining a strong layered security approach, according …

Group-IB Unified Risk Platform
Product showcase: Group-IB Unified Risk Platform

The cyber threat landscape has intensified. Threat actors are organized and professionalized, with ransomware gangs outsourcing the first step of their operations to Initial …

Detection, isolation, and negotiation: Improving your ransomware preparedness and response

The risks presented by ransomware and cyber extortion events have likely found a place in your own security team’s discussions, and rightfully so. Ransomware attacks have …

Board members and the C-suite need secure communication tools

Board members and the C-suite are key targets for cyber-threat actors, due to their access to highly sensitive information. Yet too many of them are putting their …

Cyber criminals continue to target and exploit people

Proofpoint unveiled its annual Human Factor report, which provides a comprehensive examination of the three main facets of user risk — vulnerability, attacks, and privilege — …

Fraud trends and scam tactics consumers should be aware of

If it seems like you’re receiving more spam than normal, you probably are. Seventy-four percent of consumers say they have received a scam text so far this year, while as many …

How confident are IT pros in the security of their organization’s supply chain?

Over the last two years, supply chain challenges have rocked both enterprises and consumers alike, making it harder to access certain goods and maintain business continuity. …

Strong passwords still a priority strategy for enterprises

Bitwarden announced the results of a global survey of enterprise security decision makers, conducted by 451 Research, which explores enterprise password management practices …

How organizations can protect themselves in the emerging risk landscape

In this video for Help Net Security, Ravi Srinivasan, CEO of Votiro, discusses ThoughtLab’s 2022 cybersecurity benchmarking study, Cybersecurity Solutions for a Riskier …

API security warrants its own specific solution

Application programming interfaces (APIs) enable developers to quickly and easily roll-out services but they’re also equally attractive to attackers. This is because they can …

Top three most critical areas of web security

Akamai Technologies revealed three research reports at the RSA Conference 2022, focusing on three of the most critical areas of web security: ransomware, web applications and …

Barely one-third of IT pros can vet code for tampering

Global research commissioned by ReversingLabs and conducted by Dimensional Research, revealed that software development teams are increasingly concerned about supply chain …

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