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What CISOs must learn from Bitcoin and a research team at Georgia Tech

It has been an eventful time in the mobile world with two recent breaking stories revealing vulnerabilities in the security infrastructure for Android and iOS respectively. …

(IN)SECURE Magazine issue 39 released

(IN)SECURE Magazine is a free digital security publication discussing some of the hottest information security topics. Issue 39 has been released today. Table of contents: …

61% of IT pros don’t report security risks to executives

A new Ponemon Institute study examined the disconnect between an organization’s commitments to risk-based security management and its ability to develop the …

Most security managers don’t trust their apps

Application vulnerabilities are a major factor in the cybercrime game. More than 500 CISOs and Security managers have been interviewed by Quotium about the security state of …

The current state of application security

New research offers a better way to understand the maturity of an organization’s application security program in comparison to the core competencies of high-performing …

There are no winners in the blame game

Every time a major security breach makes the headlines, a common reaction happens. Even before the details of the breach are known, the infosec world gets into a frenzy of …

How encryption and tokenization help with cloud services adoption

Today’s CIOs and CISOs are facing continued pressure to adopt the cloud enterprise-wide while managing the increasing operational and security risks associated with it. …

Most government CIO budgets flat or increasing in 2013

Despite a continuing drive to lower the cost of IT services, nearly 75 percent of government IT budgets globally were reported as flat or increasing in 2013, according to the …

To achieve good security, you need to focus on business

In September 2001, as the Nimda computer worm devastated networks worldwide, we in IT security thought that the management will finally wake up and see how important it was to …

Executives lack confidence in their cyber security

More than two-thirds of executives are concerned their companies will not be able to stop such threats, and one in five say their biggest concern is not knowing whether an …

A question of trust

Trust is the foundation for many of our relationships, both in our personal and business life. Trust is one of the strongest elements supporting a relationship and helps it …

Selecting a cloud provider starts with exit planning

Let’s begin with a story: The first day of the new week started very ordinarily and nothing indicated this was going to be a very long and tiring day for Sarah, a CIO of …

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