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Learning from others

The old saying “one man’s misfortune is another man’s gain” is eminently applicable in the information security industry. When an organization becomes …

How can we create a culture of secure behavior?

It’s a busy day in your company and everyone is rushing around trying to respond to requests. Audrey gets an email that looks like it’s from a partner asking her …

CyberRX: Healthcare industry’s first cyber attack simulation

HITRUST, in coordination with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), revealed the results of the healthcare industry’s first cyber attack simulation, …

Understanding risk is a top security concern

The biggest challenge for organizations is prioritizing, understanding and addressing vulnerabilities in a business context, according to an AlgoSec survey conducted during …

Security pros largely unhappy with compliance methods

Despite the fact that 63% consider regulatory compliance to be “very important”, a new Osterman study shows a low satisfaction level with current methods of …

Security pros actively hiding negative facts from executives

A new Ponemon Institute study exposes a severe gap in security visibility and perception between C-level executives and IT security staff. In nearly 60 percent of the …

Identifying security innovation strategies

Tom Quillin is the Director of Cyber Security Technology and Initiatives at Intel Corporation. In this interview he talks about security innovation, current and future …

Compliance misconceptions, challenges and tips

In this interview, Paul Koziarz, President and General Manager of Regulatory Compliance at CSI, talks about the misconceptions related to compliance, provides advice for CSOs …

A security advisor’s perspective on the threat landscape

In this interview, Sean Sullivan, the Security Advisor at F-Secure Labs, talks about threats he’s seen during his career, iOS vs. Android security, security awareness …

CISO challenges and security ROI

Mark Brown is the Director of Information Security at EY. In this interview he offers guidance for CISOs, discusses the technical competence of company leaders, tackles …

Does IP convergence open you up to hackers?

Recent reports indicate that unauthorized persons gained access to Target’s network using credentials stolen from a company that worked on the company’s …

CIOs are moving more information into the cloud

Despite continued concerns about security, CIOs and other senior-level IT leaders are moving an increasing percentage of their organizational information into the cloud and …

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Cybersecurity news