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Failure is an option

Information is the lifeblood of today’s business world. With timely and accurate information business decisions can be made quickly and confidently. Thanks to modern …

PCI compliance contributes to false sense of security

Despite industry data to the contrary, a new Tripwire retail cybersecurity survey indicates that organizations that rely on PCI compliance as the core of their information …

How security analytics help identify and manage breaches

In this interview, Steve Dodson, CTO at Prelert, illustrates the importance of security analytics in today’s complex security architectures, talks about the most …

Looking at insider threats from the outside

Cybersecurity is a never-ending battle requiring around-the-clock attention. From malware to DDoS to APT attacks, front-line IT security teams are being constantly bombarded. …

Using Hollywood to improve your security program

I spend a lot of time on airplanes, and end up watching a lot of movies. Some of my favorite movies are adventures, spy stuff, and cunning heist movies. Recently, I realized …

9 tips for communicating your BYOD policy

If an IT department creates a BYOD policy and no one at the company knows about it, does it actually make an impact? I’ll spare you the suspense – the answer is …

IT security training: Be proactive

Security is a fast paced industry. You only need to use the Internet for a short time to understand how and why the activities of digital criminals pose a real and significant …

40% of IT security teams keep executives in the dark

A new survey uncovered the communication challenges between IT security professionals and executives, a desire to overhaul current security systems and limited security …

CIOs should make digital business tech an IT responsibility

CIOs need to decide how they will position their IT organization in relation to emerging digital business technologies, such as the Internet of Things, 3D printing, wearable …

Businesses are deprioritizing information security

Businesses are deprioritizing information security and decreasing their investment in the destruction of confidential information, according to Shred-it. According to the …

The emergence of the Digital Risk Officer

More than half of CEOs will have a senior “digital” leader role in their staff by the end of 2015, according to the 2014 CEO and Senior Executive Survey by …

Big Data security mistakes, tips and tricks

In this interview, Mark Cusack, Chief Architect at RainStor, talks about the main challenges of handling petabyte-scale volumes of data, illustrates the most obvious mistakes …

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Cybersecurity news