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Actions to strengthen your defense, minimize damage

IT professionals should use the nearly epic scale of the Sony cyber attacks to spur their companies into action versus panicking about potential risks. “The FBI is right …

HIPAA security compliance: How risk tolerant are you?

At the heart of HIPAA lies a set of core security tenets for which every affected organization is responsible. These fundamentals are absolutely non-negotiable – but the …

Do senior executives understand their role in data security?

There are four distinct groups of organization when it comes to measuring how much value senior executives place on their company’s data and how well that data is …

10 strategies to protect patient information

Data breaches, lawsuits, medical identity theft—all cringe-worthy realities—and the threats to patient data have never been greater. With cybercrime targeting healthcare, …

Security deficiencies that increase data breach risk

Many businesses still struggle with information security deficiencies and common security weaknesses that can elevate their risk of data breaches. Based on a global survey of …

Corporate data: Protected asset or a ticking time bomb?

Despite a growing number of data breaches occurring under the glare of the public spotlight, 71 percent of employees in a new survey report that they have access to data they …

Inside the minds of senior security leaders

More than 80 percent of security leaders believe the challenge posed by external threats is on the rise, while 60 percent also agree their organizations are outgunned in the …

Top 3 security, privacy and data protection trends for 2015

2014 was full of front page stories about data privacy, hacks, data jurisdiction and other threats that confirmed security is no longer a niche. Security is officially a …

Improving your readiness for OCR audits

In the wake of healthcare data breaches, OCR audits for HIPAA compliance have become more common – and the consequences have been more highly publicized. But many …

If anything shouldn’t be taken for granted, it’s Information Security Management

It was one of our usual off-the-record discussions when I spoke with network admin and asked about the regular password change set up on the system. And, the answer included …

Preparing for an information audit

A constant concern of many organizations is how to improve security or ensure that they meet audit needs. Though this is a top concern, they assume that any type of solution …

Leveraging network intelligence and deep packet inspection

Tomer Saban is the CEO of WireX Systems, a provider of network intelligence solutions. In this interview he talks about how deep packet inspection helps with identifying …

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