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Never underestimate the impact of a data breach

The growth of cyber-crime and the impact of successful attacks on an organization’s bottom-line should not be underestimated; it is anticipated that data breaches will …

We don’t know what we don’t know

Citing the latest cyber security statistics is a popular way for security companies to show that they are keeping a watchful eye on the threat landscape. Where does the …

The best way to prevent data breaches? It’s not what you think

Data security breaches seem to be popping up almost daily. From the 2015 IRS breach, to the hacking of federal government employees’ data by China, it’s clear much of our most …

You’ve been breached, now what?

Everybody tends to think that hackers will never ever target them or their company/organization until a breach occurs. This article concentrate on post-incident actions and …

Why vulnerability disclosure shouldn’t be a marketing tool

There have been many arguments within the security community on how researchers should disclose the existence of a security vulnerability. Some argue that full disclosure is …

The cloud, FedRAMP and FISMA compliance

Many federal agencies and government contractors are migrating to cloud-based computing, a trend that will pick up speed as the cloud becomes more efficient, more affordable, …

How to survive a compliance audit

Ipswitch polled 313 IT professionals in United States with 59 percent noting that they were not fully prepared to undergo an audit. Additionally, 75 percent of respondents …

Businesses know about POS security risks, but are they investing wisely?

The majority of organizations have increased their POS security budgets during the last two years, but many of them are still using and investing in outdated technologies, …

How lack of trust and limited knowledge impact your organization

There are significant gaps in cybersecurity knowledge, shared visibility and mutual trust between those who serve on organizations’ board of directors and IT security …

How engaged is the average board when it comes to security?

Tripwire evaluated the attitudes of executives as they relate to cybersecurity risk decision-making and communication between IT security professionals, executive teams and …

U.S. Open primer: In the cloud or on the golf course, hazards can be devastating

This week the U.S. Open heads to the Pacific Northwest for the very first time. Chambers Bay Golf Course in Washington State will play host. Anyone familiar with this course …

Relying on your insurer for security? Think again!

Data breaches are a regular occurrence, one need simply look at the papers to read about the myriad of breaches that have occurred over the last year. From the Sony attack in …

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Cybersecurity news