Cloud security: Essential yet complicated
In this interview, Ron Zalkind, CTO and co-founder of CloudLock, talks about the top cloud security threats, illustrates how the power of the cloud can influence the agility …
If you build it, they will come
If you build it, they will come. But will you be ready? Will any of us? It’s almost impossible to escape the topic of the Internet of Things (IoT). Whatever the technology …
Most security executives lack confidence in their security posture
A new Raytheon|Websense survey of security executives at large companies in the U.S. reveals that confidence in their enterprise security posture is lacking.According to the …
The insider versus the outsider: Who poses the biggest security risk?
Today, many organizations are under continuous attack from nation-states or professional cyber criminals. One of the main focuses for IT security teams is stopping intruders …
Solving the third-party risk management puzzle for PCI
One of the main PCI compliance challenges for businesses is how to accurately document and monitor the payment data and personal information they hold and share with third …
Cloud security without borders
The cloud’s growing prevalence is drastically changing the way we do business and conduct our daily lives. As the digital exchange of business and personal information …
How to prevent insider threats in your organization
Time and again, organizations of all sizes and in all industries fall victim to insider threats: disgruntled, malicious insiders – employees, former employees, …
Defending the enterprise in an increasingly complex environment
Technology has transformed the way organisations work and its evolution is now faster than ever before. The promise of IT transformation presents many opportunities for …
What’s the state of your software?
Cybercrime is felt by businesses up and down the country, with the Information Security Breaches Survey (ISBS) reporting that 81 per cent of large and 60 per cent of small …
Sun Tzu 2.0: Is cyberwar the new warfare?
For better or worse, the multitude of networks that help keep our world interconnected is a much different place today than it was in the past. Paradoxically, the networks …
Breaches might be inevitable, but penalties are not harsh enough
A panel on the topic of data breaches organized by cyber security and penetration testing company Cognosec has revealed that most industry professionals believe that breaches …
Automated threat management: No signature required
The industry approach to detecting threats is inherently reactive, ceding the first-mover advantage to the cyber criminals. Defenses – based on signatures, reputation lists …