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The changing role of the risk manager

71% of risk managers say their overall level of influence is greater now than it was three years ago according to a survey of 500 companies in EMEA conducted for ACE European …

CISOs are looking for more integration and automation

Enterprise CISOs are looking for more integration and automation among their existing IT security tools, and that most are only periodically monitoring and mitigating events …

The evolution of the CISO in today’s digital economy

As the digital economy becomes ever more connected and encompasses all industries, we’re reaching a point where every company today is a technology company. Along with this …

Cyber risk still poorly communicated to C-suite executives

Cyber risk continues to be poorly communicated to C-suite executives, according to Auriga Consulting. The monopolisation of the risk management function by IT and security …

Data security for the borderless enterprise

With the advent of cloud computing, social media and mobility, data is moving and proliferating at pace across borders, platforms and applications, very rarely staying within …

Best practices for ensuring compliance in the age of cloud computing

When was the last time you heard someone utter the sentence, “I’m looking forward to the audit next week.” Most likely, never. Since its invention, the word “audit” has struck …

Why collaboration is crucial in the battle for IT security

Guy Wertheim, the CTO at Comilion, talks about the importance of collaboration and data sharing in the battle for increased security. Modern organizations are tackling a …

Should a data breach be the kiss of death for the CEO?

The fact that CEOs have tendered their resignations in the aftermath of public breaches is a clear indication that the executive level is being held more accountable for the …

How data breaches are changing information security

In this podcast recorded at Black Hat USA 2015, Gautam Aggarwal, Chief Marketing Officer at Bay Dynamics, takes a look at the past year in the security space and the important …

The big picture of protecting and securing Big Data

Today almost every company is dealing with big data in one way or another – including customer data, tracking data, and behavioral marketing information – connecting every …

Effective security starts with UX

There’s an unfortunate disconnect between the priorities of security teams and where they’re investing their time, focus, and budget. The recent 2015 Black Hat Attendee Survey …

The changing focus around critical infrastructure protection

I spend a fair amount of time attending various security conferences, as I’m sure many of you do. Recently I’ve noticed a change in agendas and, perhaps more significantly, …

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