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User behavior analytics: The equalizer for under-staffed security teams

In a perfect world, security professionals would see a few alerts, recognize the pattern, identify the malware and the hacker, and solve the problem – all with only a few …

You can’t stop what you can’t see: Mitigating third-party vendor risk

Third-party vendors are a liability for host organizations, often unwittingly creating backdoors and exposing sensitive data. In fact, according to the Ponemon Institute …

Businessman juggling
Tips for implementing a converged infrastructure

CIOs will find themselves at an interesting crossroads this year as their organizations struggle to become Digital-Enabled Enterprises, businesses that embrace technology and …

IoT connection
An Internet of Things wish list for 2016

I’ve been writing about the Internet of Things for a while now, both from the perspective of the great opportunities that the IoT offers and the very real pressure it will put …

Demanding accountability: The need for cyber liability

GCHQ director Robert Hannigan pulled no punches last month when he stated that the free market is failing cybersecurity. And with 90% of large organisations and 74% of small …

Finance teams becoming involved in cyber risk mitigation oversight

CFOs and their finance teams are toughening policies on suppliers and increasing insurance coverage as they are asked take on a larger role in defending their companies from …

Inside job: 6 ways employees pose an insider threat

CISOs and CIOs have seen the prospects of losing control over data and the accompanying data privacy and security concerns as the biggest hurdle to cloud adoption. According …

Business email compromise scams still happening, still successful

Despite repeated warnings issued by law enforcement, information sharing organizations, and security companies, Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams still abound and the …

Do CEOs know enough about cyber security?

One-third of CEOs and 43 percent of management teams are not regularly briefed on cyber security issues, according to Dimensional Research. Additionally, while 79 percent of …

Turn the Cyber Kill Chain against your attacker

As businesses move to the cloud, the rapid adoption of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is no surprise. Unfortunately, securing the cloud and the data within it is no easy …

Infosec pros have little confidence in UK’s cybersecurity readiness

Tenable Network Security asked information security practitioners from the UK about confidence in their respective organizations’ abilities to assess risk, invest in …

Cybercriminals will remain victorious in 2016, relief expected in 2018

From Ashley Madison to the United States Office of Personnel Management – and many, many others in between – what we now know is targets for cyber criminals and nation-state …

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