Using Big Data for intelligent enterprise security
No industry remains untouched by the potential of Big Data – and the cybersecurity sector is certainly no exception. A recent MarketsandMarkets study predicted the …

Proposed cyber security requirements for New York State seem to be more of the same
This month, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo announced proposed regulation that requires banks, insurance companies, and other financial services institutions regulated by …

Security startup confessions: Hiring and firing
My name is Kai Roer and I am a co-founder of a European security startup, and these are my confessions. I hope you will learn from my struggles, and appreciate the choices …

Boardroom perspectives on cloud implementation
Although there’s a significant uptick in cloud adoption at the enterprise level, companies are missing the full benefit of their cloud adoptions by not factoring their IT …

What’s driving boards of directors to make cyber security a top priority?
Almost half (46 percent) of board members believe compliance regulations help establish stronger security, but nearly 60 percent struggle with meeting increased mandates—a …

Mobile security stripped bare: Why we need to start again
We’re all familiar with the cartoon image of a character stopping a water leak by plugging a finger into the hole, only for another leak to start, needing another finger, and …

By 2018, 25 percent of new mobile apps will talk to IoT devices
With the convergence of devices, bots, things and people, organizations will need to master two dimensions of mobility, according to Gartner. CIOs and IT leaders will need to …

Incident response survival guide
All organizations are impacted by a security breach at some point. As the joke goes in the security industry, businesses fall into two categories: those that have been …

Bad security habits persist, despite rising awareness
While 82 percent of respondents believe the IT security industry is making progress against cyber attacks, those gains are undercut by egregious security practices in critical …

Should you trust your security software?
The complaint that security is broken isn’t new and even industry insiders are joining the chorus. Companies spent an estimated $75 billion last year on security products and …

Improve SecOps by making collaboration easier
There’s one word that we’ve consistently been hearing from information security pundits year after year: Collaboration. More often than not, they were talking …

Five ways to respond to the ransomware threat
The ransomware threat has taken a sharp upturn this year. In fact, a recent industry study found that nearly half of all U.S. businesses have experienced at least one …