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Business ideas
Five step approach to address data breaches, increase online trust

The Internet Society has released the findings from its 2016 Global Internet Report in which 59 percent of users admit they would likely not do business with a company which …

smart hospitals, healthcare
Protecting smart hospitals: A few recommendations

The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) has released a new report to help IT and security officers of healthcare organizations implement IoT …

Users lock
Network security: A team sport for SMBs

The increased volume and frequency of cyberattacks has made information security an everyday issue of great importance, regardless of your geographical location, industry, …

UK organisations have a worrying digital security gap

UK organisations reveals that while 82 percent of C-Suite and senior managers admit they are concerned about the vulnerability of their web sites, mobile applications and …

Six key principles for efficient cyber investigations

Many organizations today are not equipped to defend against traditional cyberattacks, as demonstrated by the ever-increasing numbers of successful breaches reported daily – …

Businessman juggling
Business strategy and innovation framework for the industrial IoT

The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), the global, member-supported organization that promotes the accelerated growth of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), announced …

The decline of cyber resilience: Organizations unprepared to face attacks

Only 32 percent of IT and security professionals say their organisation has a high level of cyber resilience – down slightly from 35 percent in 2015, according to a global …

match fire
Cyber risk in advanced manufacturing: How to be secure and resilient

Nearly half of surveyed manufacturing executives lack confidence their assets are protected from external threats, according to a new study from Deloitte and the Manufacturers …

Insufficient security measures still hinder cloud adoption

Security and privacy of data and systems in the cloud remains a top worry for 70% of IT professionals worldwide, up from 63% in 2015, according to a new Cloud Security Survey …

Fake executive social media accounts threaten enterprises

New research has uncovered numerous duplicative Twitter and LinkedIn accounts among Fortune 500 leaders, raising concerns about potential security vulnerabilities. Analysts at …

Key causes of network outages and vulnerabilities

A new global study, conducted by Dimensional Research, surveyed 315 network professionals about their experiences with network outages, vulnerabilities and compliance. How …

Traveling on business? Beware of targeted spying on mobile

Corporate spying is a real threat in the world of cyber war. Employees traveling on behalf of their company could create opportunities for sophisticated adversaries to take …

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