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UK organisations have a worrying digital security gap

UK organisations reveals that while 82 percent of C-Suite and senior managers admit they are concerned about the vulnerability of their web sites, mobile applications and …

Six key principles for efficient cyber investigations

Many organizations today are not equipped to defend against traditional cyberattacks, as demonstrated by the ever-increasing numbers of successful breaches reported daily – …

Businessman juggling
Business strategy and innovation framework for the industrial IoT

The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), the global, member-supported organization that promotes the accelerated growth of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), announced …

The decline of cyber resilience: Organizations unprepared to face attacks

Only 32 percent of IT and security professionals say their organisation has a high level of cyber resilience – down slightly from 35 percent in 2015, according to a global …

match fire
Cyber risk in advanced manufacturing: How to be secure and resilient

Nearly half of surveyed manufacturing executives lack confidence their assets are protected from external threats, according to a new study from Deloitte and the Manufacturers …

Insufficient security measures still hinder cloud adoption

Security and privacy of data and systems in the cloud remains a top worry for 70% of IT professionals worldwide, up from 63% in 2015, according to a new Cloud Security Survey …

Fake executive social media accounts threaten enterprises

New research has uncovered numerous duplicative Twitter and LinkedIn accounts among Fortune 500 leaders, raising concerns about potential security vulnerabilities. Analysts at …

Key causes of network outages and vulnerabilities

A new global study, conducted by Dimensional Research, surveyed 315 network professionals about their experiences with network outages, vulnerabilities and compliance. How …

Traveling on business? Beware of targeted spying on mobile

Corporate spying is a real threat in the world of cyber war. Employees traveling on behalf of their company could create opportunities for sophisticated adversaries to take …

How to prepare your company for cybersecurity threats

When the FBI announced the arrest of a Russian hacker in October, it was notable – but maybe not for the reason you’d expect. Yevgeniy N., who was picked up in Prague, is …

The cybersecurity gap between IT capabilities and business expectations

Deloitte has uncovered a shift in business priorities from “business performance” to “customers,” with 57 percent of chief information officers …

A checklist for people who understand cyber security

By now, it’s pretty much an accepted reality that it’s only a matter of time until an organization – any organization – gets breached by cyber …

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