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The path to protecting health data: 10 steps to get started

The information in your medical records can be more valuable than your credit card numbers to a cybercriminal. Experts estimate healthcare data is 50 times more valuable to …

Making enterprise content management secure and scalable

Content is one of the most valuable commodities that any business owns. It’s the key driver of customer interactions, the foundation of core business processes, and it helps …

Most businesses will not put off cloud adoption because of security concerns

Businesses are pressing ahead with their digital transformation plans, despite fears of being hit by a cyber attack or data protection regulations. This is according to a new …

cloud proliferation
Organizations still unclear on cloud security responsibility

Vanson Bourne surveyed 1,300 IT decision makers from organizations using public cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) from the Americas, Europe, Middle East and Africa …

Businesses finally realize that cyber defenses must evolve

Cybersecurity is finally getting the attention it deserves – it is only regrettable that this good news is the result of bad news: more numerous, complex, and damaging …

Fostering a safe place for businesses to work in

It’s no secret that in the past few years, business leaders have begun to realise the potential of digital transformation to give their organisation a competitive edge. …

Businessman juggling
When it comes to cybersecurity, businesses remain overconfident and vulnerable

Consumer products companies, retailers and restaurant businesses may be operating with a false sense of security, according to a new Deloitte study. The study captures input …

AI can increase corporate profitability by average of 38% by 2035

Businesses that successfully apply artificial intelligence (AI) could increase profitability by an average of 38 percent by 2035, according to Accenture. The introduction of …

Regional regulatory compliance trends: Strategies and implications

In this podcast, Tim White, Director of Product Management, Policy Compliance at Qualys, talks about regulatory compliance trends that across a variety of different regions in …

artificial intelligence
Perception and reality: The role of AI and automated cyber defenses

Executives in the U.S. and Europe now place broad trust in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning systems, designed to protect organizations from more dynamic …

Most corporate finance leaders expect to change fraud-fighting strategies

Today’s senior finance executives are battling record levels of fraud, in turn narrowing corporate focus and limiting resources that could otherwise be devoted to …

Why companies shouldn’t dread the advent of GDPR

The main aim of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is to make sure that the data of EU citizens is protected, no matter where it’s held. The regulation, which will …

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