Container security: The seven biggest mistakes companies are making
As enterprises increase adoption of containers, they also risk increasing the number of mistakes they make with the technology. Given that many companies are still wrapping …

The future of AppSec: Stop fighting the last war
It’s a cornerstone of military doctrine: when you focus too much on the last battle you faced, you miss signs of the new battleground taking shape. The principle holds as true …

Addressing the deficit in cyber security workforce and national policy
Whether they like it or not, in this day and age nearly all organizations have to think about their cybersecurity posture and find a way to minimize cybersecurity risk. But …

Is cyber insurance worth the paper it’s written on?
Weighing up whether you think insurance is worth it, in any situation, depends to some extent on personal experience. You can see the value of protection far more clearly if …

Launch your own cybersecurity sprint: 30 days to improved security
Whether it’s well-publicized cyber attacks on government organizations or widespread ransomware that threatens to halt business operations, attackers continue to target …

Don’t let cybercrime hold your innovation to ransom
When things break, our natural instinct is to look for someone to blame. Why? Because nothing happens by accident. It’s either done on purpose, a casualty of neglect or lack …

Constant availability: Mission-critical business data challenges
In today’s world, consumers expect businesses to be always-on, but 24/7/365 availability – for both data and applications – comes with specific information …

Event-driven architecture to become essential skill
Achieving broad competence in event-driven IT will be a top three priority for the majority of global enterprise CIOs by 2020, according to Gartner. Defining an event-centric …

Five crucial ways to help keep a system safe from harm
We’re living in an incredible age of technology, invention and innovation. It’s hard to imagine that just a short time ago we couldn’t order groceries for delivery from …

Review: Advanced Persistent Security
About the authors Ira Winkler, CISSP is President of the Internet Security Advisors Group. He is considered one of the world’s most influential security professionals. Araceli …

How to create an effective application security budget
Inadequately secured software ranks amongst the most significant root cause issues in cybersecurity. The frequency and severity of attacks on the application layer is greater …

Security’s blind spot: The long-term state of exception
It seems every major hack is accompanied by the pointing of fingers. And there are plenty of places to point them: the servers that weren’t patched, the retailer who hadn’t …