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Outdated vendor systems leaving finance industry at risk

BitSight data scientists found that in most cases, companies in the finance industry supply chain are not meeting the same security standards that finance companies hold for …

Protecting networks from DNS exfiltration

Everyone around the globe has heard about the colossal Equifax breach last month. Its implications haven’t yet been fully calculated except now that the CEO has resigned from …

Gartner reveals the 2017 Hype Cycle for Data Management

As data becomes ever more distributed across multiple systems, organizations have to cope with increasingly complex ecosystems and digital business requirements. Hype Cycle …

Company directors are increasingly involved with cybersecurity

According to a new survey by BDO USA, 79% of public company directors report that their board is more involved with cybersecurity than it was 12 months ago and 78% say they …

Cyber threat analysis in complex adaptive systems

The use of wartime analogies in cybersecurity is common in our industry. Sun Tzu is often quoted in presentations and papers to emphasize an author’s key point. I will spare …

The evolving nature of the CISO role

As IT security increasingly becomes a priority, CISOs’ influence within companies is growing. However, security strategy in many organizations is still largely reactive and …

KPN CISO paints a greater security picture

Being the CISO of such a huge and diverse company as KPN, the Netherlands’ largest telecom and ISP provider, requires great determination, and the current holder of the …

Do IT modernization efforts increase security challenges?

Most government IT executives believe that IT modernization projects increase security challenges as opposed to alleviate them, according to a new study from Unisys. A large …

Insurers increasingly concerned about silent cyber exposure

Around half of industry practitioners see the risk of silent cyber exposure – potential cyber-related losses due to silent coverage from insurance policies not specifically …

Skilled security staff are hard to find, security teams need to be creative

A study conducted in July by Dimensional Research examined how organizations are addressing the cybersecurity skills gap. Study respondents included 315 IT security …

Navigating GDPR in the mobile enterprise

Securing data and protecting privacy in a connected world is already a major challenge for any enterprise, and mobility only magnifies this challenge. Mobile devices are …

The real cost of alarm fatigue

One of the toughest challenges for an IT security team is managing and sifting through the deluge of security alerts that are created on a daily basis. Teams can waste …

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