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critical infrastructure

airport security
TSA issues additional cybersecurity rules for the aviation sector

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) issued a new cybersecurity amendment to the security programs of certain TSA-regulated (airport and aircraft) operators in the …

VMware patches critical injection flaw in Carbon Black App Control (CVE-2023-20858)

VMware has fixed a critical vulnerability (CVE-2023-20858) in Carbon Black App Control, its enterprise solution for preventing untrusted software from executing on critical …

bridge open
How hackers can cause physical damage to bridges

In this Help Net Security video, Daniel Dos Santos, Head of Security Research at Forescout, talks about recent research, which has revealed how attackers can move laterally …

Steps CISA should take in 2023

Recently, I was asked to imagine that I had been granted an hour with top officials at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) – what advice would I …

Inadequate cybersecurity investments leave rail industry at risk

The popular notion might view the rail industry as a laggard compared to auto or high-tech manufacturing when embracing Industry 4.0. Yet railways are increasingly dependent …

3 ways to stop cybersecurity concerns from hindering utility infrastructure modernization efforts

Utility infrastructure is in dire need of modernization. In many parts of the world, the infrastructure delivering power and water to consumers is not ready to withstand …

Dimitri van Zantvliet
Mounting cybersecurity pressure is creating headaches in railway boardrooms

The expansion of potential cyber threats has increased due to the integration of connected devices, the Internet of Things (IoT), and the convergence of IT and OT in railway …

security awareness
ENISA gives out toolbox for creating security awareness programs

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) has made available Awareness Raising in a Box (AR-in-a-BOX), a “do it yourself” toolbox to help organizations …

EU Council adopts the NIS2 directive

The European Council adopted legislation for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union, to further improve the resilience and incident response capacities of both …

Key cybersecurity trends in the energy sector

The key trends for the energy industry are about how we manage the future supply and demand challenges at a much more granular level than we are currently able to do. If …

Yossi Appleboum
Asset risk management: Getting the basics right

In this interview with Help Net Security, Yossi Appleboum, CEO at Sepio, talks about asset risk management challenges for different industries and where it’s heading. …

The rise of attacks on critical infrastructure

A recent research found an increase in attacks across all the most targeted industries and organizations, including education, healthcare and finance. Attacks on critical …

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Cybersecurity news