critical infrastructure

How a port misconfiguration exposed critical infrastructure data
Much has already been said and written about the dangers of potential cyber attacks targeting the electric/power grid. And in Ukraine, they’ve already gone from …
How to protect the power grid from low-budget cyberattacks
Cyberattacks against power grids and other critical infrastructure systems have long been considered a threat limited to nation-states due to the sophistication and resources …

Hack of emergency siren system kept Dallas citizens up for hours
When 156 emergency sirens in Dallas started wailing around midnight last Friday, the city’s 911 line was flooded with calls by panicked citizens who wanted to know what …

We have to start thinking about cybersecurity in space
With all the difficulties we’ve been having with securing computer systems on Earth, the cybersecurity of space-related technology is surely the last thing on security …

US 911 emergency system can be crippled by a mobile botnet
What would it take for attackers to significantly disrupt the 911 emergency system across the US? According to researchers from Ben-Gurion Univerisity of the Negev’s …

The economic impact of security incidents on critical information infrastructures
Cyber security incidents affecting CIIs (Critical Information Infrastructures) are considered nowadays global risks that can have significant negative impact for several …

It’s time to replace firewalls in industrial network environments
Waterfall Security Solutions announced the expansion of its stronger-than-firewall solution portfolio for industrial control systems and critical infrastructure sites. …

Malware offers backdoor to critical infrastructure targets
SentinelOne Labs has discovered a new form of malware, which has already infected at least one European energy company. The malware, dubbed SFG, is the mother ship of an …
91.1% of ICS hosts have vulnerabilities that can be exploited remotely
To minimize the possibility of a cyber attack, Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are supposed to be run in a physically isolated environment. However this is not always the …

Threats to the critical information infrastructure on the rise
Citizens and businesses depend on information and communications infrastructure to support online critical services (e.g. energy, telecommunications, healthcare). Increased …