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critical infrastructure

Moxa EDS-405A
Exploitation of vulnerabilities in Moxa industrial switches could disrupt communication between ICS components

Positive Technologies experts Ivan Boyko, Vyacheslav Moskvin, and Sergey Fedonin have discovered multiple vulnerabilities in Moxa industrial switches in the EDS-405A, …

World target
Ongoing global cyber espionage campaign broader than previously known

A detailed analysis of code and data from a command-and-control server responsible for the management of the operations, tools and tradecraft behind the Operation Sharpshooter …

critical infrastructure
IT security incidents affecting German critical infrastructure are on the rise

The number of IT security incidents reported by critical infrastructure companies in Germany has soared. In 2017, the German Federal Office for Security in Information …

The impact of cyber-enabled economic warfare escalation

The results of a tabletop exercise on cyber-enabled economic warfare find that when a large-scale destructive cyberattack occurs, the United States and the private sector must …

Deloitte report
Evaluating the biggest cyber threats to the electric power sector

The network of power plants and lines connecting to homes and businesses is widely considered to be among the most critical infrastructure in the world. It’s also one of …

Best practice methodology for industrial network security: SEC-OT

Secure Operations Technology (SEC-OT) is a methodology and collection of best practices inspired by a decade of experience working with secure industrial sites. The SEC-OT …

IIoT technologies integration creates expansion opportunities in the industrial cybersecurity industry

High penetration of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology in critical infrastructure and the manufacturing sector has resulted in a growing number of potential …

Are we chasing the wrong zero days?

Zero days became part of mainstream security after the world found out that Stuxnet malware was used to inflict physical damage on an Iranian nuclear facility. After the …

The future of OT security in modern industrial operations

Both the likelihood and consequences of cyberattacks to OT/ICS components continue to grow for modern industrial operations. In this podcast, Andrew Ginter, VP of Industrial …

Safe IT/OT integration with unidirectional security gateways

The reason SCADA security is so controversial stems primarily from the intense consequences that come from a compromise in this area. In this podcast, Andrew Ginter, VP of …

Vulnerabilities and architectural considerations in industrial control systems

The reason SCADA security is so controversial stems primarily from the intense consequences that come from a compromise in this area. In this podcast, Andrew Ginter, VP of …

Malicious hacking activity increasingly targeting critical infrastructure

In this podcast, Andrew Ginter, VP of Industrial Security at Waterfall Security Solutions, and Edward Amoroso, CEO of TAG Cyber, talk about how the traditional focus of most …

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