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critical infrastructure

cloud money
Cloud adoption growing steadily, but cost and regulatory challenges remain

O’Reilly announced the findings of a survey report which explores the latest trends in cloud, microservices, distributed application development, and other critical …

Unseen gatekeepers: Industrial software providers’ role securing global infrastructure

National infrastructure in almost every Western country has come under attack by threat actors in the last few years. These attacks have grabbed the attention of businesses, …

Three OT security lessons learned from 2021’s biggest cyber incidents

What do an oil pipeline, a water treatment plant, and a railway system have in common? They each rely on operational technology (OT) environments, and they were all victims of …

Ransomware: How bad is it going to get?

Ransomware started out with attackers encrypting individual users’ files, demanding a few hundred dollars, and giving the victim a key to unlock their files once they paid up. …

James Carder
Critical infrastructure IoT security: Going back to basics

In this interview with Help Net Security, James Carder, CSO & VP of Labs at LogRhythm, talks about critical infrastructure IoT security, the vulnerabilities that are …

US agricultural co-op hit by ransomware, expects food supply chain disruption

New Cooperative Inc., an agricultural cooperative owned by Iowa corn and soy farmers, has been hit by the BlackMatter ransomware group. The attackers are asking the co-op to …

Network security market growth driven by remote work popularity and security needs

Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis of the Asia-Pacific (APAC) network security (NWS) market finds that the increasing acceptance of remote work and adoption of …

Shreekant Thakkar
The role of automation in staying on top of the evolving threat landscape

In this interview with Help Net Security, Dr Shreekant Thakkar, Chief Researcher, Secure Systems Research Centre at TII, talks about the ever evolving threat landscape and how …

Joe Slowik
Critical infrastructure today: Complex challenges and rising threats

Cyber attacks against critical national infrastructure are escalating. The ransomware hit on Colonial Pipeline was a clanging wake-up call for the public, but cybersecurity …

New standard enhances the cybersecurity of pipeline control systems

The American Petroleum Institute (API) published its 3rd Edition of Standard (Std) 1164, Pipeline Control Systems Cybersecurity, underscoring the natural gas and oil …

ICS vulnerabilities disclosed in H1 2021 rose by 41%

Industrial control system (ICS) vulnerability disclosures are drastically increasing as high-profile cyberattacks on critical infrastructure and industrial enterprises have …

critical infrastructure
Collaboration is the key to protecting critical national infrastructure

Concern around protecting critical national infrastructure (CNI) is growing. Following several high-profile attacks and growing tensions around state sponsored cyber activity, …

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