
Password reuse is rampant among Fortune 1000 employees
SpyCloud published an annual analysis of identity exposure among employees of Fortune 1000 companies in key sectors such as technology, finance, retail and telecommunications. …

Why managing and securing digital identities is a must
In this video for Help Net Security, Julie Smith, Executive Director of the Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA), talks about how IDSA and National Cybersecurity Alliance …

Mars Stealer malware pushed via Google Ads and phishing emails
Cybercriminals trying to foist the Mars Stealer malware onto users seemingly have a penchant for one particulat tactic: disguising it as legitimate, benign software to trick …

Attackers using default credentials to target businesses, Raspberry Pi and Linux top targets
Findings from a Bulletproof report highlight the issue posed by poor security hygiene as automated attacks remain a high security threat to businesses. The research gathered …

How to contain a privileged access breach and make sure it doesn’t happen again
When attackers pull off a privileged access breach, they have a beachhead into your network. Regardless of whether it’s software or users that are ill-protected, threat actors …

Organizations need to change their current password usage and policies, and do it fast
Password-related attacks are on the rise. Stolen user credentials including name, email and password were the most common root cause of breaches in 2021 with several …

70% of breached passwords are still in use
SpyCloud announced a report that examines trends related to exposed data. Researchers identified 1.7 billion exposed credentials, a 15% increase from 2020, and 13.8 billion …

Data leaks and shadow assets greatly exposing organizations to cyberattacks
CybelAngel published a research revealing that data leaks and shadow assets are the greatest source of exposure to cyberattacks faced by large organizations across the globe. …

Online fraud skyrocketing: Gaming, streaming, social media, travel and ecommerce hit the most
An Arkose Labs report is warning UK commerce that it faces its most challenging year ever. Experts analyzed over 150 billion transaction requests across 254 countries and …

The most common cyber gaps threatening supply chain security
Panorays has identified the top five most common cyber gaps among third-party organizations over 2021. Analyzing data gathered from cyber posture evaluations of tens of …

Exposed corporate credentials threatening the pharma sector
Constella Intelligence released a report which includes new and additional findings pertaining to exposures, breaches, and leakages within the pharma sector, specifically …

Reducing the blast radius of credential theft
Cybersecurity has come to be defined by identity, with almost every attack today revolving around gaining control of a user’s identity as a means of accessing critical data …