
Digital transformation plans have accelerated due to the pandemic
As organizational reliance on data continues to rise amid the pandemic, a Druva survey uncovered rising concerns among Indian businesses about data protection, the growing …

New value exists at the intersection of digital tech and sustainability
European companies that accelerate both their digital and sustainability transitions are likely to recover faster and emerge stronger from the COVID-19 crisis, according to a …

Privacy and security practices are essential for post-pandemic recovery
Cisco published a study which found enhanced importance of privacy protections during the pandemic and increasing benefits for businesses that adopt strong privacy measures. …

Researchers develop tool that ensures secure sensitive data sharing
A data privacy tool has been developed to help ensure key datasets – such as those tracking COVID-19 – can be publicly shared with an extra layer of security for sensitive …

Most network outages exceed $1 million in damages
Infoblox unveils research into the foundational infrastructure challenges faced by networking and security decision-makers in the US government. The report reveals a …

Most with in-house security teams are considering outsourcing security efforts
Syntax surveyed 500 IT decision-makers in the US on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their businesses and strategic decisions they’ll make in 2021. 2020 was a year of …

The impact of COVID-19 on how CISOs make buying decisions
It’s no secret that the past year has resulted in organizations fast-tracking their digital transformation projects, making drastic changes to their operations while also …

Bolstering healthcare IT against growing security threats
As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, healthcare organizations are scrambling to ensure the safety and support of patients and staff, while also integrating and learning new …

Financial institutions must prepare for increased risk of financial crime
LexisNexis Risk Solutions published survey results of U.S. and Canadian compliance professionals on the range of challenges that financial institutions have experienced during …

Protecting the remote workforce to be enterprises’ prime focus in 2021
Protecting the remote workforce will be enterprises’ prime focus in 2021, according to a Cato Networks survey of 2,376 IT leaders. IT teams struggled in the early days of the …

Companies turning to MSPs as attack vectors get more sophisticated
Research from Infrascale reveals new information security insights important to MSPs in the new year. The research survey highlights business executive input, from a security …

Healthcare IT teams battle with technical challenges to ensure network resilience and security
IDG surveyed IT leaders from hospitals, primary and urgent care facilities, pharmaceutical companies, and other healthcare entities. The goal was to shed light on how …