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BEC scams
Business email compromise is a top concern for banks

Bottomline and Strategic Treasurer released the results of a survey that gathered details about corporate and banking experiences, actions and plans regarding fraud. Results …

remote work
Enable secure remote workspaces without trashing your entire IT infrastructure

Roughly 12 months ago, when the world shifted seemingly overnight to work-from-home, few companies were well-positioned to seamlessly scale their remote work solutions. Legacy …

mHealth apps consistently expose PII and PHI through APIs

All of the 30 popular mHealth apps that were tested are vulnerable to API attacks that can allow unauthorized access to full patient records including protected health …

2020 vulnerability disclosures on track to exceed those from 2019

2020 vulnerability disclosures are on track to exceed 2019 despite a sharp decrease of 19.2% observed earlier in the year, according to Risk Based Security. The team …

Researchers spot massive increase in RDP attack attempts

The COVID-19 pandemic continued to influence the cybercrime landscape in 2020, ESET reveals. Most notably, the new attack surface created by the shift to work from home …

Protecting productivity within the disappearing perimeter

During the past year, business leaders have seen first-hand the benefits of adopting an everywhere enterprise model of working and are now carefully considering its role in …

5G experimentation and security grows in govt, military sectors

Spirent Communications released its 5G outlook report, based on analysis and takeaways from over 600 global 5G engagements in 2020. The report provides insights from across …

Collaboration is the key to a secure world-class sporting event

Securing any world-class event is a massive undertaking that requires teams of security professionals to coordinate with each other and constantly share information. I’ve seen …

COVID-19 has increased urgency for businesses to adopt VSaaS and ACaaS

A research into the impact of COVID-19 on physical security purchasing decisions has revealed a sharp increase in the necessity/urgency for businesses to adopt hosted video …

Cybersecurity risk management
Organizations can no longer afford a reactive approach to risk management

Board members and C-suite executives around the globe are most concerned in 2021 with risks associated with COVID-19-related government policies and regulations, economic …

remote workforce protection
Empowering a remote workforce is a top priority for CEOs

A top challenge for many CEOs over the next few years is managing a remote workforce, a new IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV) study reveals. CEOs of outperforming …

API adoption is on the rise across all industries

Developer reliance on APIs increased over the past year amidst the global pandemic and will continue to increase in 2021, a RapidAPI survey reveals. Organizations of all sizes …

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Cybersecurity news