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Businesses facing post breach financial fallout by losing customer trust

44% of Americans, 38% of Brits, 33% of Australians, and 37% of Canadians have been the victim of a data breach, according to newly released research conducted by PCI Pal. The …

The probability that an EV SSL certificate is associated with a bad domain is 0.013%

In 2018, phishing attacks were attempted 482.5 million times, more than doubling the number of incidents in 2017. New research conducted by the Georgia Institute of Technology …

Phishing is a billion-dollar global industry, consumers are the main target

Phishing is a growing pain point for individuals, businesses and CSPs, according to Allot. Consumers are the main target of these attacks, and they are calling for better …

What you should know about the Equifax data breach settlement

Equifax has agreed to pay at least $575 million, and potentially up to $700 million, as part of a global settlement with the Federal Trade Commission, the Consumer Financial …

Most consumers still don’t know how brands are using their data

Despite the past year’s global focus on GDPR and other data privacy regulations designed to give consumers more power over their data, more than half (55 percent) of consumers …

Consumers believe privacy is not possible, leading to a change in online behavior

82% of online users in the US and 75% in the UK are choosing to change the way they behave online, according to a new consumer survey by FigLeaf. For these respondents, 74% …

Consumer spending on technology to reach $1.32 trillion in 2019

Consumer spending on technology is forecast to reach $1.32 trillion in 2019, an increase of 3.5% over 2018. Consumer purchases of traditional and emerging technologies will …

Windows 10: New update controls for end users, automatic removal of broken updates

It seems that last year’s Windows 10 updating troubles have spurred Microsoft to make some changes to the operating system’s update experience and the …

The FBI warns about compromised IoT devices

The FBI is instructing users on how to recognize when their IoT devices have been compromised and advising them on how to keep them secure. “Compromised devices may be …

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Microsoft offers bug bounties for holes in its identity services

Microsoft is asking security researchers to look for and report technical vulnerabilities affecting its identity services and OpenID standards implementations, and is offering …

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