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Hijacking airplanes with an Android phone

An extremely well attended talk by Hugo Teso, a security consultant at n.runs AG in Germany, about the completely realistic scenario of plane hijacking via a simple Android …

The cloud: Storms on the horizon

At its heart, the cloud is really just shorthand for shared resources. The cloud is regularly touted as the answer to all of your IT woes. But, beyond the marketing pitches …

Generalized single packet authorization for cloud computing environments

Cloud computing environments such as those provided by Amazon and Google can be your passport to powerful computing resources without having to worry about typical …

DIY: Using trust to secure embedded projects

This talk from Shmoocon 2013 provides a DIY guide to using Trusted Computing on embedded devices. The authors introduce a low-cost schematic using Atmel’s CryptoModule …

Defending the Internet at scale

A decade ago, engineers tackled the C10K scalability problems that prevented servers from handling more than 10,000 concurrent connections. This problem was solved by fixing …

Armor for your Android apps

This defensive security talk from Shmoocon 2013 is primarily targeted towards Android developers. The speaker shares “war stories” of Android vulnerabilities and …

OpenStack security brief

This video from Shmoocon 2013 is a break down of security concerns relating to OpenStack cloud software. OpenStack is an open source IaaS solution compatible with Amazon EC2 / …

The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act: Swartz, Auernheimer, and beyond

The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act is controversial for its broad reach and potential for misuse. In this video from Shmoocon 2013, Professor Orin Kerr and Marcia Hofmann from …

Malware analysis: Collaboration, automation and training

Whether you’re a novice or a professional at analyzing malicious code, you’ll have a desire to learn or pass on that skill. Most malicious code analysis is …

The data backup and disaster recovery market

Mike Coney is the President and CEO of Unitrends, a provider of data backup and disaster recovery solutions. In this podcast, recorded at RSA Conference 2013, Coney talks …

Attacking SCADA wireless systems

Leased lines are recurring costs throughout the power grid. The bottom line demands the use of wireless solutions where possible. Dare we? We already do. The video below, …

Strategies of a world-class computer security incident response team

Today’s Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) should have everything they need to mount a competent defense of the ever-changing IT enterprise: a vast array …

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